Why is this element important in everyday life?
Copper is an important element in everyday life becauseit is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. It's softness makes it suitable for tubing water pipes, central heating systems, and making brass and bronze.
Where is this element found in nature?
Copper is found in four main areas on earth. The Great Basin in the United States, Central Canada, Andes Region, and Zambia. The amount of copper in the ground is relatively small. Most of it occurs in low grade ores. Copper is deposited from hot sulfer solutions created as volcanoes were erupting. Copper is a natural part of most soils.
What are the properties of the element?
Copper is a soft orangy-colored metal. The best known compound for copper is copper sulfate(blue vitriol). It forms by reacting copper oxide with dilute sulfuric acid. It turns a translucent blue. Copper is also found near the bottom of the reactivity series. When copper compounds are heated they produce a characteristic blue flame.
Atomic Symbol = Cu
Period Number = 4
Group Number and Family 11 Name = Transition Metal
Atomic Number = 29
Atomic Mass = 63.546
Density = 8.96g/cm3
Melting Point = 1,083.4 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point = 2,567 degrees Celsius
Electron Configuration Cu - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p1
Shorthand Notation = [AR]3d10 4p1
Common Reactions =
Interesting Information = Copper was one of the first metals to be used in the ancient world. It comes from the latin word Cuprum, which means "metal of Cyprus". Plants and animals also need a certain amount of copper in their diets. The most interesting fact the I found was that the Statue of Liberty has a green copper carbonate coating. Pretty Neat!! Alloys: Copper forms alloys more easily than most other metals. Brass is used in musical instruments and decorative puposes. Bronze is another alloy of copper. It is used for making coins and artwork.
Who is Cloey Copper ?
Hi!! I am Cloey Copper. I am very unique. Out of all the other metals on the periodic table there are only three that have been around since ancient times. Those would be my two brothers Silver and Gold. But, neither of my brothers have had the opportunity to be part of a famous american monument. I on the other hand make up the Statue of Liberty. The statue is covered with a green copper carbonate. I was first discovered on the island of Cyprus(which is found in the Mediterranean).
Although the amount of copper in the ground is relatively small, I am used a great deal in the world. I can be made into bronze in the form of coins and artworl. Also into brass, as in musical instruments. I am originally a soft orangy-colored metal, but when I am heated I produce a very cool translucent blue flame. I am an excellent producer of heat and electricity. Because I am so soft and flexible it makes me perfect for tubing water pipes and central heating systems. Well , you might not notice this but, you need me in everyday life. That's neat!