Why is this element important in everyday life?
My element is used for many things such as:
plant growth - big amounts are used in fertilizers such as potassium nitrate and potassium sulfate
Potassium is important to all life. All potassium is used inside the cells to make sure that the acid levels fluid pressures remain normal. It is particularly used in the nerves and muscles. If the kidneys don't maintain a certain amount of potassium in the body, heart problems can occur. Potassium is found in all foods.
Potassium Carbonate (Potash) is used in glass making.
Where is this element found in nature?
Potassium is found in a lot of places such as:
The sea in rocks and plants. It is obtained from the ashes of a plant as Potassium Carbonate. The largest amount is in seawater. There is half a kilogram of Potassium Oxide in each cubic meter of seawater. Much of this can be recovered in salt pans as the water evaporates away.
Potassium salts are also found among deposits in desert lakes and in ancient desert rocks.
Potassium is also found in many volcanic rocks. Pink or white fieldspar crystals in granite, for example, are compounds of Potassium. In turn when fieldspar weathers to clay, the Potassium becomes par of the clay particles that make up the worlds soils.
What are the properties of the element?
Some characteristics of Potassium are:
Potassium is an Alkaline metal. It is very soft and it must be stored under oil because it reacts to water or oxygen.
Atomic Symbol =K
Period Number = 4
Group Number and Family Name =Group One, Alkaline family
Atomic Number = 19
Atomic Mass =39.10g
Density =0.862g/ml
Melting Point =63.65 Degrees Celsius
Boiling Point =774 Degrees Celsius
Electron Configuration =1s22s22p63s23p64s1
Shorthand Notation =[ Ar ] 4s1
Common Reactions = Oxygen, Water
Interesting Information =Can't be found on earth as a free element.
Highly Reactive to oxygen and water
Who is ?
The Story of Alki the Potassium man
One day I came home from a hard day at school and a rough track practice. There was nothing to eat to hold me over till dinner was ready and I was really tired. I was just about to go upstairs and start my homework till it was time to eat when I heard a voice behind me.
"Who's there!" I said as I turned around quickly.
" It's me Mr. Banana." said the voice again.
I pinched myself and realized this is really happening, a banana is talking to me. " Why shouldn't I go?" I asked.
" because," said the banana " your body is tired and needs refuled with Potassium. If you don't believe me talk to him, his name is Alki."
"Ok," I said to Alki, " Why should I eat this banana just to get Potassium?"
"Because I'm very good for you. You need me to live healthily."
"I can't even see you, what do you look like and where do you come from?"
"I'm a silver metal, I am very soft and can be cut with a knife."
"Why is your name alki?'
"Because I'm in the fourth period and first group on the periodic table. This makes me an alkaline metal so I am called Alki."
" What else can you tell me about yourself, Alki?"
"My atomic number is 19, and my atomic mass is 39.10. My atomic symbol is K."
"Wow!" I said, "You must really be great being an alkaline metal and all."
"Well I can be dangerous. I have to be stored under oil because I can react to oxygen and water."
"What will happen if you have a reaction?" I asked.
I'll blow up in a big spark!"
"Wow!" I exclaimed, "well you say I need you, and I trust you so I guess I'll eat a banana before I study."
I ate the banana, it filled me up, and I did not even think about hunger at all. I also felt a lot stronger since I refilled my Potassium. I felt fine till I heard the words "Dinner is Ready."