Why is this element important in everyday life?
-It's uses are varied. 1. Used for many important alloys. 2. Manganese colors glass an amethyst color, and is responsible for the color of true amethyst. 3. The dioxide form is also used in the preparation of oxygen, chlorine, and in drying black paints.
Where is this element found in nature?
Recent discovery of large quantities of manganese nodules found in the oceans floor appear a promising new source of it.
What are the properties of the element?
Pure manganese is reddish gray. It is relatively soft but becomes hard and brittle if a little carbon is present as may occur if the metal is obtained by reduction of the dioxide with carbon. The pure metal oxidizes easily in the air. Manganese liberates hydrogen slowly from water at room temperature and readily from acids. At temperatures above 1,200 degree's c, it combines with nitrogen, forming a nitrate. Mn3N 2 ; when heated with carbon in the electric furnace it forms the carbide MnC3 .
Atomic Symbol =Mn
Period Number =4
Group Number and Family Name =7 Transition metals
Atomic Number =25
Atomic Mass =54.938
Density =7.3
Melting Point =1244 degrees C.
Boiling Point =2097 degrees C.
Electron Configuration =1s22s22p63s23p64s23d5
Shorthand Notation =[Ar]4s23d5
Common Reactions =It is reactive chemically, and decomposes cold water slowly.
Interesting Information =Forms a lot of different types of alloys with other elements.
Who is Mr. Mang ?
Hi I'm Mr. Mang I do a lot of different things for my job. Every jewelry shop, pawnshop, and Geology Institute needs my work. This is because one of the things I do is give Amethyst the purple color. The Amethyst itself is a purple stone used for lots of types of jewelry.
My other job is with lots of steel manufacturers around the world , because I give the steel a harder makeup. Car factories need me because the metal that is used in the car making process is treated with me to make it last longer and be stronger. Another type of manufacturing companies that use my help are companies like Boeing and Mcdonnald Douglas uses me for the making of commercial and military planes.