The Anthrax Cover Up


     I know that many people in the punk community rally against the military and have very little respect for its members.  There are so many reasons as to why this is an ignorant and illogical opinion to have, but that is an entirely different article for another day.  It isn't important whether or not you feel we should not have a military, or what your personal feelings about the service in general is.  I hope that I can assume that you do not wish ill to the individual men and woman who are willing to fight to keep you free.  And assuming that, I hope that you will be outraged at what the government and the Department of Defense is doing to those very men and woman.  For those of you in the military, or with loved ones in the military, I suggest you pay very close attention to what I have to say.

     The government and DOD are putting military members at risk by forcing them to take the Anthrax vaccine.  They have lied to their members countless times, and are showing no signs of admitting their wrong doing or attempting to correct this terrible mess they have created.  The DOD will have everyone believe that the vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent service members from dying of exposure to anthrax.  It is not.  They are using outdated studies to validate their statements, suppressing information that conflicts with their stance, and punishing members who value their lives.  I have been researching the vaccine for months now, compiling a list of credible sources.  I have dug up info from pages at the FDA’s web site, as well as personal accounts.  I am affected by this personally, a member of my family is very ill due to the vaccine.  He was a healthy, physically and mentally in shape guy until he received the vaccine.  Now he suffers from severe tremors, and they have discovered a white mass on his brain matter.  Another man who was also very healthy before the vaccines has now had two heart attacks.  He will most likely not live much longer.  A third man on the same ship now has epilepsy.  Others have medical problems as well.  This is just from one base.

     The vaccine is supposed to be given every six weeks for a total of six shots.  My uncle was given two in two days to “catch him up”.  Thankfully, he only got 4 of the shots, the vaccine was recalled.  It was a bad batch.  Of course no one at the Anthrax Vaccine Information Program will admit that there were any “bad batches”.  They stand by their propaganda.  I wrote a letter to an AVIP rep explaining that I knew he was lying, that I doubted the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.  I provided him with a dozen or so links to reputable sources that supported my statements.  He wrote me a long propaganda letter, and gave me a few links of his own.  Every link he provided me ended in .mil.  He encouraged me to write back with any further questions.  I did, telling him that until he can provide me with information supporting his statements that weren’t linked to the military, I would never believe him.  I don’t know what his response would be, the email came back to me with an error message informing me that the address was no longer valid. 

    My family member’s ship is not the only one affected.  People at other bases have reported deaths and sicknesses that coincide with the anthrax vaccine.  Does the DOD really believe that we the public are too stupid to put two and two together?  Perfectly healthy people suddenly become sick and die within weeks after receiving the shots.  Not just one, not two, but many.  They want us to swallow their story that this is a coincidence, that these people just naturally became ill, or that something else was to blame.  Yet their own doctors are refusing the vaccine, choosing a court martial over risking their lives needlessly.

    And it is needless.  That is what gets me the most.  The anthrax vaccine can not and will not protect service members.  First, the vaccine only protects against certain strains.  Iraq has very good biological warfare capabilities.  They also have access to our media, and of course it is reasonable to assume they have spies within our system.  They are not going to waste their time and money creating a biological agent that we can protect ourselves against.  They have already mutated beyond the strains the vaccine was created for, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they stopped using it all together.  Also, the vaccine is meant to protect against naturally occurring anthrax.  It was created to protect vets and farmers who have a high chance of coming into contact with the bacteria.  It is not meant to protect against human created versions.     

     I am asking everyone that has even the tiniest bit of a heart to do your own research, and to write your congressman, senator, local newspaper, anyone you can think of and tell them to investigate and put a stop to this disgrace.  Men and woman are being forced to allow the DOD to introduce possibly deadly chemicals and bacteria into their systems.  If they try to stand up for their rights, they are punished.  A military doctor refused the vaccine.  He asked for a trial and was granted one.  However, he was not allowed to show any of his evidence against the vaccine to the jury.  He lost and was forced to pay $21000 to the military.     Those being punished are the lucky ones though.  It’s the people who trusted their superiors and took that shot that are suffering the most.  Not all anthrax vaccines prove harmful.  There are many people who will survive their shots with no problems.  But not every batch is good, and there is a chance that someone you love may be the next to see their health spiral down the drain simply because the DOD is too stubborn to admit when they’ve made a mistake. 


Update-  This article was written before the 9/11 attacks and subsequent anthrax threat.  It is even more important that you understand how bad the anthrax vaccine is, considering that a lot of people are thinking about getting it just to cover themselves.  AVOID THE ANTHRAX VACCINE AT ALL COSTS!