Everyone has seen the commercials for L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics, many of us have found or received those two hundred question "free" personality tests, and almost everyone has heard of Scientology one way or another. There are over 150,000 (over the course of time there have been over 8 million) members, including such famous people as John Travolta, Tom Cruise and his wife Nicole Kidman, Kirstie Alley, Linda Blair. The list is endless. Pages upon pages of people who willingly spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to love a mad man's lie. I'll admit, at first I started researching it because it seemed interesting, and a few of their view points almost made sense. I'm opposed to organized religion for the most part, and completely against any religion that requires money to be a part of. To me, that's a business venture. The catholic church is guilty of it, most cults are guilty of it, and even some pagan religions are guilty of it. "It" is greed. But to my knowledge, no "religion" is more guilty than that of Scientology, a religion started by a man who is quoted as saying that the quickest way to make a million dollars is to start your own religion. But greed isn't the only down side to this organization. Many people have alledgedly died as a result of this so called religion. There are actually lists on the internet, LISTS! People who have alledgedly killed themselves after going broke or trying to get out of the cult, who have died due to lack of medical attention while under the care of the Church of Scientology(CoS), and who have been murdered for one reason or another. The CoS alledgedly even has a policy on murder. Something called R2-45, which is referred to in lectures given by LRH as "shooting someone in the head with a .45 caliber pistol." and "the quickest method of exteriorization (leaving the body) known, but its use is frowned upon by society at this time." LRH supposedly even had a hitlist, people who were "enemies" to the organization. Among their code of ethics is the statement "Never fear to hurt another in a just cause. " along with "Never compromise with your own reality." So I guess that means that if my reality tells me that killing my neighbor would be a "just cause", I should go ahead and do it. Do you see where all this is going? It adds up to pure insanity, bought for a very high price. There is so much information about the down sides of this organization, and they do have many down sides. It would take several books to write about all of them. It has been said that anyone who criticizes the CoS is "fair game". They have gone after many people for doing so already. The pages that I got this information off of are all under attack. They're being sued by CoS for expressing a valid viewpoint and educating people about the truth. More information is available at these sites, which will be listed at the end of this article. Educate yourselves to the truth, because the more people there are that know the truth, the less powerful this organization will become. Everything I've said in this article is true to the best of my knowledge and was obtained through extensive research. It hasn't been obtained through just one biased source, but a collection of critical sites. So if you're a member of the CoS, I invite you to try and deny it.
One last word before I end this. I think it is important for everyone to remember that this "religion" was started by a science fiction writer who has been known to lie about his past. He made it all up. For 8 million people to be gullible enough to buy into a piece of fiction, it must have been a hell of a tale. But a tale is all it was. The reality check is in the mail, too bad they'll all be dead or broke by the time it arrives. Note: I use the word alledgedly as often as possible to cover my own ass, since they ALLEDGEDLY will sue anyone who speaks out against them. This does not mean that I don't personally believe the sources that I discovered this information from to be correct and accurate. Hey, they can't sue me for my beliefs, now can they? Can they?
Intro to Scientology from a critical stand point
Scientology launches attack on two web sites
Scientology website (so you can see what they have to say, see, I'm fair)
Sites of interest