A few highlights from the first four issues. Nothing from Issue 2 though because I lost the files on that one.

ISSUE ONE- April 1998 to July 1998

A DEADLY RELIGION? is about the dangers of Scientology, and includes a few links to more information.

THE LAME OLD "WHAT IS PUNK?" ARGUMENT is exactly what it sounds like, an overdone issue that I felt the need to expand upon once more even if everyone is really sick of hearing it.

INDIE FILM VS. CORPORATE GIANTS is my views on why independent films are better than the mindless "blockbusters" that are produced faster than I can blink and have budgets big enough to put the entire nation through college.

FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE An article I wrote about the extremely injust case of the Robin Hood Hills murders where three teenage boys were convicted of the murder of three little boys based solely on the fact that they were different from everyone else in town.


ISSUE THREE- from January 1999 to July 1999

LIFE IN JAPAN A little bit about the first few months of living in a foreign country. This is an ongoing series, so check back every few months for more articles.

RICH IS PISSED Rich rants about ATM bankers, check writers, and buttered pop corn addicts.

WHO'S RESPONSIBLE? Who's really responsible for what's happening in the schools today? Is it television? Is it the parents? Is it that fun filled overpriced gaming system, the Playstation? No, it's none of the above. To find out who's really responsible for these events, read the damn article.

THE NEW WONDER DRUGS An article about why using natural remedies to cure everything from severe depression to minor headaches is a much better alternative than relying so heavily on an overpriced doctor. Complete with different things I have tried and found to be effective.

SIX WEEKS AS SANTA'S LITTLE HELPER An article about my job at Pictures with Santa. Read all about the evil Santa I worked with back in 1995.  Not to be confused with the wonderful Santa I worked with in 2001.

MORE INJUSTICE this time a Scotland native put away for a crime he didn't commit.

CAUTION:NUDITY An article about the prude outlook on nudity held by the US.