Unless you live in the wilderness and have no access to a TV, bookstore, or newspaper, you can't avoid hearing about all the "new" herbal remedies that are popping up all over the place. All of the sudden, everyone is returning to nature to cure their ailments. On the one hand this pisses me off because they act like it's a new thing, that these herbs were just discovered while in truth people have been using them since ancient times. Even I knew about them for a long time. But on the other hand, now that it's suddenly in fashion to buy these things, I can find them a lot easier. And it's nice to know that a lot more people are turning their backs on modern medicine and learning to take care of themselves. Don't get me wrong, modern medicine still has its place. We need doctors for a lot of things like appendectomies and what not. But as a whole, society relies on them for way too much and we're suffering for it by being overmedicated and in the long run damaging our immune system so that when a new virus hits, we'll have no drugs that will attack it effectively. It's kind of like computers, we're so reliant on them that if anything happens we'd be screwed. No one would get paid, banks would collapse, the whole world would fall apart. It's the same way with our bodies. If we become too dependent on drugs, we won't be able to fight without them, and if the drugs fail, we fall apart, sometimes quite literally. Plus doctors are so expensive. I'm losing faith in the idea that doctors choose their profession because they want to help people and believe that they're just in it for the money now. I was seriously depressed and also have anxiety/panic disorder. But I couldn't afford a doctor to make it better. So I did a lot of research and "medicated" myself through trial and error. St. John's Wort did nothing for me because my case was too severe. I wanted to try tryptophan, but as soon as doctors realized that this was almost a cure all, they quickly regulated it so they could make money off it, citing a contaminant as the reason when we all know that contaminant could be isolated and removed with virtually no problem. But this is what doctors do, they take away the option of being able to help yourself so you need them and they can afford to buy that new BMW. Since tryptophan was out, I researched other amino acids, and finally discovered that L-tyrosine, a relatively inexpensive amino acid, was actually working for me. I noticed the benefits almost right away. It is my wonder drug. For less than three bucks a month, I can function better in society and not be plagued by panic attacks brought on by something as mundane as losing the remote to the TV.

There are other things that work too. Kava really does work almost as well as Valium, and costs about 100x's less. There's this pill called Calm's Forte, which works better than a sleeping pill and isn't addictive or leave that awful drugged feeling the next morning. Peppermint tea cures stomachaches as well as Pepto. Tea Tree oil works better than OXY pads for getting rid of zits. Vitamin E works wonders on rashes caused by excessive dry skin. All these are personally tried and true methods. The reason I'm telling you all this is because it really does work, and it's so much cheaper and easier than going to the doctor.

If we want to help our bodies and live long lives, we'd be better off learning to do it ourselves. Also, and this is really important, do not take antibiotics unless you are absolutely sure that you have a bacterial infection that could be treated only with them. Doctor's have been known to give them out like candy just to shut a patient up or make them feel like they've gotten their money's worth out of the visit. This is a documented fact, I didn't make it up. If you have a problem that can't be cured on your own or you just have no idea what it is, by all means, go to the doctor. But just realize that in many cases you have other options. I hope you found this somewhat informative. If you have more questions about herbal remedies, one of the best books I've read on the subject is "The Green Pharmacy" which only costs about $6 for over 600 pages. Plus there's a slew of Internet sites, but don't just trust one page. You need to do a decent amount of research before just jumping into something or else you'll waste a lot of money experimenting. But again, it's still cheaper than just one visit to the doctor