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Train of Mixed Blessings

The morning started out beautifully, without a dark cloud in the sky. The silence of the morning was broken only by a loud shrill whistle, the whistle of the train going to Colorado Springs. Some on the train were anxious to arrive at their destination, others were less enthusiastic. None had any idea of the havoc their presence would bring to Colorado Springs, and it was as if they didn't care. The train went on and on, closer and closer to it's final destination.

In Colorado Springs the town was beginning to awaken and to show signs of life. Loren Bray opened the doors to his store and looked up at the magnificent sky wistfully. It didn't seem beautiful to him. Every day seemed dull and gray, and it only seemed to be getting worse. Loren shook his head, but the thoughts of her wouldn't go away. He looked around angrily; it was time to get some extra help to cover the pain. Loren closed the doors behind him and made his way over to Hank's Saloon.

"Loren? What are ya doin' here this early?" Hank asked in a sleepy voice.

"Uh Hank, can I get a drink?" Loren asked gruffly.

"A drink? Now? Loren, it's nearly seven o'clock!" Hank said.

"Well fine. If you won't give me a drink, I'll go find one elsewhere!" Loren stormed out of the Saloon and back to the store. Hank shook his head and went to find the ladder. He had to take inventory and the top shelf would be too high for him.

"I'd rather be back in bed," Hank muttered.

Dorothy opened her door and stepped out into the sunlight. She shielded her eyes and looked around the town. Loren was storming out of the Saloon and Horace was preparing for the train, which would be coming soon. Then her eyes caught a newly married couple eating at Grace's Cafe. She lightly slumped against the wall. Dorothy loved being independent, but sometimes she wished for a companion. Cloud Dancing was such a wonderful friend...but could they ever have what other couples had? Dorothy looked away and headed back inside.

Horace opened his little booth in a hurry. Where had he put that list of things Dr.Mike needed. He quickly went through all the drawers. In the bottom one he found it and lifted it out triumphantly. He was about to close the drawer when he noticed the picture which had been under the list. It was of him, Myra, and Samantha, in happier times. He still missed them, but knew he had to get on with his life. He took the picture out of the drawer and was ready to tear it, but something inside if him wouldn't let him. He slowly placed the picture in the bottom of the drawer, and leaned back in his chair. Moving on was so hard sometimes.

Reverend Johnson sat in the Church praying. He was angry. He had just tried to compose a sermon for the next day's mass but could not remember the line from the Bible. He pounded his fist on the bench. Being blind was so hard!

"Forgive me Lord," Reverend Johnson said calming down, "It's just that sometimes I can't do things I know I should be able to do. There probably is a way, but I don't know it Lord. Please guide and help me, Amen."

Jake rode up to Teresa Moralasas house and lightly tapped on the door. "Mayor Slicker!" she said in a surprised voice. Jake raised a finger. Teresa rolled her eyes and said, "I mean Jake. What brings you out here? Is something wrong?"

"No, no! Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to see if you needed a ride into town," Jake said.

"Well, Mayor-Jake-that is very kind of you but...," she hesitated. Jake looked intently at her. It was as if she were wagering some battle within herself. "Alright," she finally relented, "I will be out in a minute." Jake nodded his head and walked back to his wagon with a little more spring in his step.

"Colleen?" Michaela called out. She leaned out the window and saw Brian near the barn. "Brian! Is Colleen out there with you?" Michaela asked.

"No Ma!" Brian called back. Michaela gathered Katie and went downstairs. Sully was at the table.

"Sully, do you know where Colleen is?" Michaela asked.

"She went out to the hotel," Sully answered calmly.

"What for?" Michaela asked. Sully looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face. Michaela's cheeks colored, "Well, I mean besides the obvious reason. She can't go over there every day you know."

"Michaela, they're gonna be gettin' married, I just know it. They just want to spend a little time together," Sully said with a grin.

"They'll have the rest of their lives to spend together. Right now, I'm trying to run a family!" Michaela exclaimed.

"Well you'll have her all to yourself until Andrew finally proposes," Sully reminded her.

"I know," she said sitting down, "I just want to spend as much time with her as I can before I give her away." Sully said nothing but took Michaela's hand.

Brian looked to the homestead. He felt dizzy and hot and he had just gotten sick. Should he tell Dr.Mike? No, she had enough to worry about. Besides, if he did tell her, she'd make him stay home from school. Not only would he miss the project day, he'd probably have to sit around and listen to Colleen talk about Andrew all day, or maybe she'd be gone all day again. Brian shook his head and went into the house. He grabbed his books and headed back outside.

"Brian! Don't you want any breakfast?" Michaela asked.

"Not hungry," Brian said as he left. Michaela gave a puzzled look to Sully who only shrugged. Michaela looked out the window at Brian in worry.

Preston looked around at all the guests around him. These guests needed a doctor. Preston had been angry when Andrew told him of his plans to leave once his plans for marrying Colleen were final. Preston was so mad he told Andrew to clean out his office. Then Preston had gone down to wire Denver about a doctor. One was supposed to be coming on the ten o'clock train, he suddenly remembered. He took out his pocket watch and saw the time was almost nine o'clock. "Well Andrew, here comes your replacement," Preston said heading outside.

Andrew opened the door to his clinic and was surprised to find Colleen sitting at the desk. He put the boxes he had brought, down by the door, and walked over to her. She got up as he came nearer to her. "Good morning beautiful," Andrew said, leaning in for a kiss.

Colleen stopped him with the words, "What are the boxes for Andrew?"

"Well I thought I'd uh..." Andrew pulled back quickly.

"I talked with Preston this morning Andrew," Colleen continued, "He said you quit." She said the last word sharply.

"Well, he has it wrong," Andrew said.

"Oh really? Then explain it to me Andrew," Colleen said.

"I simply told him I would be leaving my job when...for a while. Colleen, I'm going to go with you when you go to Medical School. I can get a job around there," Andrew said quickly.

Colleen was shaking her head, "Andrew, what are you talking about? You have no obligation to me, and I certainly don't want you to give up your job!" She turned her back on him. Andrew looked down then walked over and put his arms around her. "Andrew, I-"

"Sh!" he said, "Colleen, if I want to leave my job here that's my decision. Don't you know I would give anything up for you? I'd give my freedom, my home, my job, my life...Colleen you mean much more to me than this job with Preston. To tell you the truth, I'd rather be with you any day."

Colleen turned around and smiled, "Oh really Dr.Cook? Well, I don't believe you."

"Oh no? Well then I'll just have to show you," Andrew said with a grin.

Sully pulled the wagon to a stop in front of the clinic and helped Michaela down. "There's a crowd by the train," he remarked, "Wonder what that's about."

"Let's go see," said Michaela.

"Now folks, there ain't nothin' here to see!" said Daniel again. Standing next to him was a pudgy looking man with a slight beard and dark eyes. The man was in chains.

"Who's the man Sheriff?" someone asked.

"This here's Donald McGunther, and I'm gonna be keepin' him for a while in the town jail. Now that's all you need to know so you folks can just go on with your business," Daniel said, leading McGunther to the jail. But the people just stood around and gossiped.

Colleen and Andrew walked up behind Michaela and Sully. "What's goin' on Ma?" asked Colleen.

"Nothing Colleen, a man was just brought to the jail," Michaela said as she began walking back to the clinic. Colleen shuddered and leaned against Andrew's arm around her shoulder.

"Why do they have to bring them here?" she muttered.

"Colleen don't worry. I've got to get something from the Mercantile. I'll be back later okay?" Andrew said, lightly squeezing her shoulders.

Colleen looked up at him playfully, "Gettin' a surprise for me Andrew?" Andrew just grinned and walked away with one last look to the adoring woman he had chosen as his own.

Colleen looked around and found herself alone. She decided to go see if there was any news from Dr.Mike's family or Andrew's. As she walked she didn't look where she was going and ran right into a nervous looking young woman. "Oh! Sorry," Colleen exclaimed.

"Oh, oh, oh, no. Pardon me. It must have been my fault. I uh-do you know Dr.Andrew Cook?" the woman asked. Colleen looked at the woman. She looked as though she could have been from Boston. She had on a rosy silk dress and expensive looking luggage.

"Why yes, I know Dr.Cook," she said with a smile.

"Oh good! I didn't know how I'd ever find him!" the woman looked up at Colleen gratefully.

"And you are?" Colleen asked.

"Oh! Sorry again! I'm Lillian Cook, Andrew's cousin. Do you know this uh, what's her name, oh of course, Colleen Cooper. She's going to marry my cousin," Lillian said. Colleen took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh.

"Uh, marry?" she said.

"Well you see, Andrew's mother, Mrs.Cook, sent me to make sure Andrew wasn't marrying some...what was the word she used? I believe it was hick? I don't know. The way Andrew writes on and on...and on and on about this girl, I find it hard to believe she wouldn't meet his mother's approval. I already like her!" Lillian said.

"Well, uh, maybe we should go find Andrew-I mean Dr.Cook, and see what this is all about," Colleen said, leading the woman towards the clinic.

"Excuse me," a woman approached Horace's office, "Can you help me?" It was clear that the woman was completely blind, as she was walking with a cane out in front of her.

"Yes?" said Horace.

"Um, I'm looking for this man, I have the name right here," she took out a paper with some bumps on it and quickly ran her finger over it. "Oh yes, Reverend Timothy Johnson," she said smiling. She really was an attractive woman, with a mixture of golden and brown hair and intense blue eyes. But what really drew people to her was her fearless nature. She's so outgoing for a blind person, thought Horace.

"Uh, yep, the Reverend is up at the Church. Do you want me to go...get some help for you?" Horace asked.

"No, that's alright. Just point me in the direction please," the woman said with a smile. Horace came around and did as she asked. "Thank you! By the way, my name's Mary Lanther. And you are?"

"Uh, Horace. Horace Bing," Horace replied.

"Really? I believe I met your daughter, Samantha, on the train. Well it was nice meeting you, perhaps I'll see you again sometime-but then again, I'll never really see you!" Mary's laugh was like church bells ringing.

"Samantha?" Horace muttered. He looked down and saw a little girl next to him.

"Daddy?" she said with a smile.

"Samantha? Where's your ma? How did you get here," Horace asked.

The little girl acted as if she had not heard him, "Daddy, I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?"

"Sure Samantha, we can go now," Horace lead her over to Grace's, his worries growing more with each minute of silence.

"Thank you Loren! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," Andrew said, patting the soft package in his pocket. Loren just looked on, not hearing Andrew. Suddenly he picked up a bottle of Brandy and took a long gulp. "Loren, are you alright?" Andrew asked in concern. Then a shout came from outside and, with one last look at Loren, Andrew raced outside. One of Hank's girls was running up and down the street, shouting madly. Andrew stopped her and grabbed her by the shoulders. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's Hank! He...He's dead!" the woman sobbed. Michaela, who had been standing on the porch of the clinic, raced toward the Saloon, after Andrew. Colleen told Lillian to wait outside the clinic and joined them in the Saloon.

"How did this happen?" Michaela was asking the girl.

"He was climbin' the ladder and then he slipped! He's dead, ain't he!" Colleen walked over to the woman and embraced her.

"Don't worry, he's not dead," she comforted the girl. Andrew was momentarily sidetracked by Colleen's strong sense of compassion.

"Andrew, help me get him into the clinic," Michaela said. Andrew, and a few others carried Hank across the street and into the clinic. Andrew went in with Michaela. They brought Hank upstairs. Colleen stayed downstairs with the girl.

"Why don't you sit for a spell and I'll go see what's wrong with Hank," Colleen suggested. The girl slowly nodded and sat down. Colleen went up the stairs just in time to catch Andrew coming out of one of the recovery rooms.

"Andrew? Why did they put him up here?" Colleen asked.

"Colleen, Michaela knew right away. Hank almost slipped into a coma," Andrew said.

"A coma? Because he fell?" Colleen asked.

"Well he'd been complaining of bad headaches and this fall could have triggered a..." Andrew let the sentence hang.

"Will he wake up?" Colleen asked.

"We can't be sure," Andrew, "It could be hours, it could be days." Colleen couldn't stand this part of being a doctor. It was so frustrating, not having control. She looked up and fought the tears of frustration in her eyes. "Hey," Andrew said, taking her in his arms, "He'll be fine."

"But you don't know that! You don't know anything! No one does! There's nothing anyone can do!" Colleen had a burst of anger then quietly slumped on Andrew's shoulder. "I'm sorry. That uncalled for," she said, wiping her eyes.

"Hey," Andrew said, lifting her chin, "You don't ever have to be sorry about being yourself." Colleen looked up into Andrew's eyes and leaned against him.

"I know this sounds selfish, but I wish it could be just us for the rest of the day, you know. No Ma, or Brian. No Hank or your cousin-"

"My...cousin?" Andrew asked, his face getting pale.

"Andrew! Colleen! I need your help," Michaela called.

"Yeah, your cousin," Colleen grinned as she stepped into Hank's room. "What's wrong Ma?" she asked.

"I believe Hank is waking up," Michaela replied. Hank opened his eyes just as Andrew stepped into the room. "Hank?" Michaela said, "Do you know where you are?" The room was silent, waiting for his reply.

When it did come, he said, "Who is Hank?" Michaela's mouth dropped open and curved into a light smile. Colleen put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing and Andrew looked away.

"Hank, are you kidding?" Michaela asked.

"Who is Hank?" Hank said again.

"You're Hank," Michaela said. But Hank had fallen asleep. "I think he should be alright. I'll have to check this 'memory loss' more after he wakes up. For now, let's just go let everyone know how he's doing," Michaela said.

"...and so we must all love our neighbor as ourselves," the Reverend was practicing his sermon for Sunday. Suddenly he heard clapping in the back of the church.

"That was wonderful Reverend!" said a female voice.

The Reverend's cheeks turned red, "Who's there?" He heard light steps coming near him and smelled the sweet smell of lilacs.

"Mary Lanther. I heard about you being blind. You see, I'm from the blind college in Denver. I was wondering if you might allow me you learn how to...function better as a blind person. That is, if you'll have me," Mary said.

The Reverend smiled. "That would be wonderful," he said holding out his hand. He realized too late that she must have been blind too, but amazingly their hands met.

"Well then I'm pleased to meet you Reverend Johnson," she said.

"Timothy, you may, uh, call me Timothy," the Reverend was glad in a way, that she couldn't see the effect she was having on him.

"Alright Timothy. And you may call me Mary," she said with her church bell laugh. The Reverend found himself laughing for, what seemed like, the first time in ages.

Preston silently cursed as he walked up to the train station. Those stupid animals were good for nothing. His carriage had gotten stuck in the mud and hour ago. There was no one around to help so his only choice was to walk into town. He now looked very much less than distinguished. "Great, what will this new doctor think of me?" he muttered. When he got to the train station he was displeased to see only a woman there. "Where is my doctor?!" he muttered, "This just is not my day!" As he could think of no better idea, he walked over to the dark haired woman and tapped her shoulder.

"Preston Lodge?!" she said with a smile.

"Yes, madam, how do you know-"

"Oh I thought you'd never get here!" the woman laughed.

Preston was confused. "Are you a guest at the hotel?" he asked.

"Oh no! I'm Margaret Thisole," she said, as if that would explain it all. Preston waited for her to go on.

When she didn't, he said, "And that would be-"

"Your doctor," Margaret said with another laugh. Preston sighed. This was definitely not his day. Another woman doctor. That's just what he needed. A miniature Michaela running the clinic at his hotel.

"There must be some mistake," he said, gritting his teeth.

"Oh, no, there's no mistake. Well, this is my luggage. So can we go to the hotel? I can't wait to see it!" she smiled as she walked away, leaving Preston alone. He looked off at her as she walked away.

"Lord help me," he said with a bittersweet smile.

Michaela, Andrew, and Colleen all filed out of the clinic and the waiting crowd became silent. "Hank is alright, except for some apparent memory loss..." Michaela rattled on and on, answering questions. Andrew pulled Colleen to the back of the group. He put his arms around her and she leaned against him.

"So what about a cousin of mine?" he whispered into her hair.

"Oh, you mean the one coming towards us? You can ask her yourself," smiled Colleen. Andrew quickly moved to her side, but kept an arm around her. That gesture was so natural now, thought Colleen.

"Lillian?!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Andrew! There you are!" the two cousins embraced as Colleen stood quietly by.

"Lillian, I'd like you to meet Colleen," Andrew said proudly. Lillian's eyes opened wide.

"Oh my gosh-you're Colleen! What I said before! Oh no! He hasn't asked you yet, has he," she wailed.

"Asked what?" said an alarmed Andrew.

", if it was okay for her to come," supplied Colleen. Andrew looked at her in puzzlement but accepted the answer.

"Who's this?" Michaela said, walking over to them.

"This is Andrew's cousin, Lillian Cook, from Boston," Colleen explained.

"Really? How nice. Where are you staying Lillian," Michaela asked.

"Well I don't really know-"

"Then you must stay with us! Is that alright Andrew," Michaela asked.

"Oh sure! You wouldn't like my home very much anyway I'm afraid," Andrew said with a grin.

"Splendid," Michaela said, leading Lillian away.

"And," said Andrew, pulling Colleen close again, "This way I'll have a good excuse to spend every waking moment at your house!"

"Andrew!" Colleen simply said, laughing.

In the jail, McGunther silently watched Daniel go out to get something to eat from Graces. Daniel's coffee cup was so near. If only he could throw the pill in! "Well, I've got the best shot, let's see how my aim is at throwing a pill in a cup!" McGunther grunted. He threw, and to his great pleasure, the pill landed in the cup with a soft plunk. "Perfect," smiled McGunther.

At the school house, Brian had gotten sick again, right after school ended. "It's okay," he muttered, "No problem."

" You're wrong Brian," Sara said, coming up behind him, "You should tell your Ma!"

"Sara, you don't know what you're talkin' about," Brian said.

"Look Brian, I'm not goin' to do nothin' now, but if you don't tell your Ma, I will," Sara said firmly.

"Why do you care?" Brian said.

"Because I'm your friend Brian. And somethin' is very wrong with you," Sara said. With one last look at Brian, she walked home.

As Jake drove Teresa home, he noticed a wagon outside her home. Teresa looked at the wagon in surprise. The minute the wagon stopped, she hopped off and ran to the wagon. Suddenly, a man came out of her house. "Teresa! Mi hija," he said.

"Juan Lucas," she said coldly, "Mayor Slicker, thank you for the ride home." Jake hesitated for a moment, but then left, full of questions. As soon as Jake was out of earshot, Teresa said, "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come and see you?" the Juan Lucas asked.

"No! I want you to leave my home now. I never want to see you again. Is that clear?" Teresa stormed into the house. With one final look at the house, Juan Lucas got in his wagon and slowly trotted away.

"Well, I'm going to be staying here until Hank wakes up, but you two can go...where ever you go," Michaela said with a smile.

"Yes, but who will take Lillian home?" Colleen asked. She liked Lillian a lot but desperately wanted to be alone with Andrew. Matthew walked in the door just then.

"Dr.Mike, I'm headin' home. Are ya comin' or do ya want me to come get you later?" Matthew asked.

"Matthew, would you mind taking home Katie, and Andrew's cousin. She's going to be staying with us," Michaela said.

"Sure. Where is he?" Matthew asked. "Not he, she," Michaela smiled. Lillian walked into the room and Matthew found it hard to speak.

"Oh, a sure...will you be comin' home soon Dr.Mike?" Matthew asked, never taking his eyes off of Lillian.

"Yes, but would you stay with Lillian until I do, I don't want her to be alone," Michaela said, trying to hide her smile. Matthew helped Lillian into the wagon and handed her Katie. He then stepped up beside her and motioned for the horses to go.

"Did you see that?" giggled Colleen as Andrew helped her into the carriage.

"I sure did," smiled Andrew.

"I think it's cute," smiled Colleen.

"I think it's beautiful," said Andrew, staring at Colleen.

"I was talkin' about Matthew and Lillian!" said Colleen.

"Oh! I thought we were talking about you!" teased Andrew. As they began driving, Colleen wrapped her arm around Andrew's and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Know what I think?" she said, closing her eyes. "Hm?" Andrew asked. "I think you should just ask me to marry you now, and get that little detail out of the way. I mean, do you know how long it takes to plan a weddin'?" Colleen remained calm. Andrew's mouth had nearly dropped open when he heard what she said, but then he decided to play her little game.

"Oh, I don't know," he said, "I say we see how fast this buggy can go first!" Colleen's eyes popped open.

"Andrew Cook! Don't you dare! You know how I hate-" The horses took off at an amazing speed. Colleen shut her eyes tight again and gripped Andrew's arm.

Finally, after what seemed like forever the horses stopped. Andrew picked up Colleen and carried her into the middle of what appeared to be a meadow. He set her down gently and she opened her eyes. "Is it safe?" she asked with a giggle.

"Alright! You've had enough torture," Andrew said with a smile. He bent down on one knee and took Colleen's hand.

"Colleen Cooper, will you marry me?" he asked softly. Although she tried hard to stop them, tears streamed down her face.

When she found her voice she said, "Thought you said the torture was over." Then she laughed.

"Oh! So you think this is funny eh?" Andrew pulled Colleen down. She fell on the ground, laughing hard. She pushed Andrew over and he landed on his back. Then her laughing subsided and she rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Mrs.Andrew Cook...Dr.Cook...actually I like Cooper better," she said with a grin.

"Oh well, fine. I take back my offer Miss Cooper!" Andrew said playfully pouting.

"Oh come on Andrew," Colleen said, "I knew I would marry you ever since-" She gave him a kiss. "Ever since your cousin Lillian practically asked me for you!" she giggled.

"You knew all along!" exclaimed Andrew. Colleen nodded and got to her feet, as did Andrew.

Suddenly, she was quiet. "I never want this moment to end," she said. "Neither do I," Andrew said, pulling her close. They began to dance to a waltz that only they could hear.

"I mean," Colleen said softly, "This is the nicest marriage proposal I've ever had."

"Oh really," said Andrew, "You've had others?"

"Well there was that one when I was, oh, I think it was 5. But it just didn't work out! I mean if I had to pick between you and the chicken, I'd pick you," Colleen softly laughed.

"Know something?" asked Andrew.


"I'm glad," Andrew said.

"Me too," sigh Colleen.

"So do you think our families have started to plan the wedding yet?" asked Andrew.

"As we speak," Colleen said with a smile. There was a beat of silence.

"Did I tell you today that I love you?" Andrew asked.

"Well, let me see...I'm giving up my job for you...I'd give up my freedom, my home, and my, what was it? Oh! I'd give up my life for no. I don't remember you telling me you love me," Colleen said.

"Oh. Well I do, you know," Andrew said.

"And I love you," Colleen said quietly. There was more silence, and then she said, "By the way, I accept."

"And so the man had no idea I was blind!" Mary laughed. The Reverend was laughing so hard, he began to choke. "Don't die on me!" laughed Mary, as she patted his back. When he stopped choking, her hand still rested there. "Oops," she said, removing it. Now there was embarrassed silence. "So, got any good restaurants here? I'm assuming you don't cook for yourself-I mean I hope you don't. We don't want you burning off your skin!" Mary laughed.

"Actually, we can go to Grace's," Reverend Johnson suggested. "That should be fine," Mary agreed. The Reverend helped her into her coat a bit awkwardly and she then took his arm as he lead the way.

"Here you go Samantha. You can have your old room," Horace said, putting her suitcase on the bed. Samantha nodded and sat on the bed. "You need help?" Horace asked. Samantha shook her head. There was silence. "Okay. Well if you need anything, you just call me," Horace said. He closed the door and walked down the hall. Something wasn't right with Samantha, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"And this is the clinic?" asked Margaret, looking around.

"Yes, but I don't see what difference my showing you around the hotel will make. I'm still going to send to Denver for another doctor tomorrow," insisted Preston. Then, under his breath, "And two women doctors in this town is two too many."

"What was that?" asked Margaret.

"Oh nothing," Preston said.

"Look Mr.Lodge, despite what you think about getting another doctor from Denver, I'm it. And I really don't care what you think. Your hotel is wonderful and I really think you're a nice man, but you are going to have to accept me or I think our working relationship will suffer. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room," Margaret left. Preston tried to feel angry and insulted, but all he could think about was how nice Margaret looked in the light of the clinic. "Preston! This is business!" he muttered to himself, "Just think of a miniature Michaela..."

"Hello?" Hank called. Michaela came into the room.

"Hank?" she asked.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" said the man.

"That's your name," Michaela said, "Tell me, do you remember anything?"

"Are you the nurse? I want a doctor? Where am I? A hospital? Where's the doctor? I want a real doctor?!" Hank yelled.

"I am Dr.Michaela Quinn and I need to know if you remember anything Hank," Michaela repeated.

"Lady doctor? Okay, whatever. No I don't remember nothin'. Can you tell me about myself?" Hank asked.

"Sure," Michaela said uncomfortably, "You own the Saloon and, uh, some women."

"I what?!" Hank exclaimed, "What kind of person am I?" Michaela looked over at Hank, clearly worried. What was going on here?

Matthew and Lillian drove up to the homestead. "Your family sounds real nice," Matthew said, helping Lillian down from the wagon. "Thank you," said Lillian. There was silence. The drive home had started out this way, but once Lillian started talking, she was so interesting, and had so much to say. "Well you can go wait inside. I'll go put the horses away," Matthew said, heading toward the barn. In the barn he was mentally scolding himself. The last thing he needed was to get involved with a woman. After Ingrid...and then he just wanted to study some law. The law was simple, unlike women, he thought. He headed back into the house, determined to do something he knew he could never do: ward off his growing feelings for Lillian Cook.

"Andrew! I thought we settled this this mornin'! You are not quittin' your job!" Colleen yelled. They were arguing in Andrew's clinic.

"No! We did settle it! I'm quitting! I already quit! Preston even got a replacement for me!" Andrew retorted.

"Well tell him to send the doctor back!" Colleen exclaimed.

"Colleen! Why are you being so impossible!" Andrew shouted. Colleen looked down and put a hand on her forehead. Then she slowly headed for the door. "Where are you going?" Andrew asked.

"I've got to leave Andrew. Before I say somethin' both you and I regret," Colleen flew out the door, tears in her eyes. What happened to that happiness they had had just a short while ago? She ran a little way, to a bench in the middle of a secluded field. "Oh God! Why are we fighting? Is this a sign? Perhaps Andrew doesn't really love me," Colleen began to cry again when a voice came out of the shadows.

"That's nonsense Colleen," Preston said, sitting on the bench next to her.

"Preston! How long have you been there? Oh gosh!" Colleen turned red.

"It's okay Colleen. I just want to let you know that what you said was silly. Andrew loves you more than anyone else on this earth. I know because he quit his job with me to be with you. Colleen, do you know what it would do to him if he had to work here day after day, without you, while you went away to another college?" Preston asked.

"Well, no but-"

"Let me tell you what it would do to him. It would take away his spirit, his life, the things you love so much about him-Colleen don't let him do that to himself or to you. If you really want him to stay, you know he will. So don't ask that of him, because you're asking him to give up the one thing he knows he can't, you," Preston said putting a hand on Colleen's shoulder.

"Who's the new doctor? Is he good?" Colleen asked. Preston removed his hand and slumped against the bench.

"He's a she," he said.

"It's a woman?" Colleen smiled.

"Yes, and that's the problem," Preston muttered, "I told her I'm going to send for another doctor, but I don't know. Colleen, how do you know when-"

"When you see her, does somethin' inside you skip a beat?" Colleen asked.

Preston looked at her and gave a small smile, "I think you should go spend some time with Andrew, it's getting late." He patted her shoulder again and walked away.

The Reverend walked back into the church. He'd said goodnight to Mary at the cafe. He walked up to the front pew and slumped down. "Oh Lord," he prayed, "She makes me laugh. When have I laughed." He sigh. At the other end of the church a small gasp could be heard, but it was out of the earshot of Reverend Johnson. Mary picked up her gloves and put a hand to her mouth. Then she silently walked out of the church, unseen and unheard by the Reverend.

"No!" screamed Samantha again. Horace raced into her room and turned on the lamp.

"Samantha! Wake up!" Horace said, shaking her. She was sweating a lot. Suddenly her eyes flew open.

"Daddy!" she cried, throwing her arms around Horace, "Don't let him hurt Mama!" Horace's mouth dropped open in surprise.

"It's okay honey, no one's gonna hurt you," Horace said, rubbing her back. But she sobbed on and on.

Margaret looked at the door and there was a second knock. "Come in," she called. Preston entered, rather nervously. "Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, looking up from her book.

"I've uh, decided that you can stay," Preston said.

"How gracious of you," Margaret said calmly.

"And I wanted to know if you would like to have some breakfast with me tomorrow," Preston said.

"I'd love to," Margaret said with a smile. Preston found himself smiling back.

"Good! Well, I'll uh see you tomorrow then," he nodded and left the room. Margaret felt an odd thrill run threw her and found she could no longer read her book. Down the hall, all Preston could think of were the words, "I'd love to."

Hank sat up in his bed making plans. First of all, he would totally have to change the saloon. Perhaps he could donate it to the church. Then he would help all those girls start new lives for themselves. After that he wasn't quite sure, but he knew he'd find something to do, like buy some new clothes and get a hair cut...

Loren took another drink but quickly hid the bottle as he saw Brian coming. "Evenin' Mr.Bray," Brian said. He walked over to Loren. "Just wanted to say bye because Ma's goin' home now..." Brian wobbled and staggered around for a little before collapsing.

"Brian!" Loren raced over to Brian and picked him up. "Dr.Mike!" he yelled. She appeared in the clinic door. "Somethin' happened to Brian!" Loren said putting him on the examination table.

"Brian?" Michaela called out in a shaky voice, "I knew something was wrong! Loren, can you go get Sully, Matthew, and Colleen please! Oh and get Andrew as well, I may need his help!" Loren turned to go but Michaela's words stopped him, "Loren, hurry...please hurry!" He raced out the door quickly. Her words stopped him, "Loren, hurry...please hurry!" He raced out the door quickly.

Andrew sat on the bench outside his clinic with his eyes closed. He had messed things up yet again. It would kill him to be apart from Colleen for so long...but if that was what she wanted... Colleen came up silently behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed the top of his head. Then she walked around to the front of the bench. Andrew opened his eyes, "Colleen?" She put a finger to his lips then kissed him.

"I don't want to be apart from you Andrew, ever. It's okay with me that you gave up your job," she said, curling up next to him and fingering the buttons of his vest.

"Really?" Andrew asked. She smiled and kissed him again. There was silence for a while.

"You know, it's a good thing you came back," Andrew said softly.

"Why?" Colleen asked.

"Well otherwise, you wouldn't get this ring," Andrew said. Colleen felt something cool slip onto her finger. She held up her hand to the moonlight and sigh.

"It's so pretty," she said. It wasn't the biggest diamond, but it meant more than all the diamonds in the world.

"Okay, who were you gonna give it too if I didn't come back?" Colleen asked.

"Katie," Andrew said, grinning, "I figured if she were half as beautiful as you..." Colleen shoved him playfully. Andrew held up her hand. "Well, now it's official," he said.

"Mrs.Andrew Cook...I guess I do like it better then plain old Miss Cooper," Colleen smiled.

"Well you have the rest of your life to enjoy it Colleen," Andrew said softly.

"Mm," she said, closing her eyes. She decided then that she would make that evening into one of those memories that one never forgets, and can see vividly all the days of their life, for she knew she would look back on it many times in the future.

Okay! Any thoughts or comments? Please e-mail me: