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That's What Friends Are For


As Colleen is finishing up her homework before Easter break she thinks of the fun she will have back home. She thinks about her Ma, Sully, Brian, and most of all, Andrew. Her mind drifts back to her last wonderful day in Colorado Springs. . .

Andrew is doing some paper work when he hears a knock on his door. "Come in," he says, "Colleen!! I thought you would be busy packing. Your train leaves at noon, doesn't it?"

"Yes, Andrew, but I thought we could talk a bit before I have to leave."

"That would be wonderful, would you like to take a walk?" So they walked around the chatue for awhile. "So, when are you coming home next?" Andrew asked.

"Not until Easter," she replied.

"That's four months from now!!" Andrew exlaimed.

"I know," said Colleen, "I'm going to miss everyone so much. . . especially you Andrew."

Andrew blushed and looked away. He thought for awhile as they walked in silence. Four months is a long time to wait. Maybe I should just ask her now. "Colleen, do you. . . Well, do you love me?"

"You know I do Andrew."

Andrew stopped and turned towards her. "Then, marry me." Colleen stood motionless for about 2 seconds before screaming Yes! and kissing him. . .

Colleen was awakened from her wonderful daydream by Emily. She ran in the open door, looked at Colleen and burst out crying. She flung herself on the bed. Colleen and Emily weren't best friends. They talked a lot and Colleen got the impression that she liked to date a lot of boys at once. Still, she considered her a friend and was always there to help.

"What's the matter, Emily?" Colleen asked.

"It's horrible!!" she screamed, "My parents went on vacation to Boston and forgot I was coming home! Now I have to stay here over Easter break!" she started to cry again.

Colleen comforted her and an idea popped into her head. "Why don't you come home with me for Easter vacation? My family would love to meet you."

"Really!" Emily said, "And I can meet that handsome beau your so secretive about!" Emily laughed. Colleen blushed, but smiled because Emily was feeling better.

"I'll go and wire Ma right away!" Colleen jumped up and went to the telegraph office before it closed. Emily was sitting there smiling. A man was just what she needed now, and maybe Colorado Springs would be the place to find one.

The train ride was spent talking about school and sleeping. Emily could not contain her excitement and thanked Colleen repeatedly. "Hey, that's what friend's are for, right?"

As they pulled into the train station Emily brushed her hands through her long blond hair. Her hazel eyes were twinkling. This Andrew is probably going to be at the station, she thought, and I want to make a good first impression.

Colleen stepped off first, excited to see her family again. Emily kind of hung in the backround. Colleen ran to her Ma first. "Oh Ma, Sully, Katie.. Matthew, Brian." When she cam to Andrew she gave him a quick hug and a smile that said we'll talk more later. Then she walked back and took Emily's hand. She introduced her to her family and Andrew.

"Welcome. I hope you have a nice time. I am glad to finally meet one of Colleen's friends from school," Micheala said.

Emily only half listening replied, "Thank you for having me." She was to engrossed in looking Andrew up and down not very discreetly. Andrew and Colleen saw nothing but each other.

Sully saw how Emily was looking at Andrew and said, "Well, let's go home, Andrew are you joining us for dinner?"

"Of course," was Andrew's reply. He never took his eyes off of Colleen.

They went home and Colleen and Emily got settled in. During supper Emily kept sneaking glances at Andrew. This time Sully was not the only one who noticed anything wrong. Andrew kept feeling his eyes on hime. He knew Sully could see it too because he kept asking her questions, but she would quickly give a short awnser and continue with her examination of Andrew. When supper was over Andrew said he should be leaving. Colleen walked him out.

"So, what do you think of Emily?" she asked.

"She's... very nice," Andrew supplied.

"Andrew she is going through a tough time."

"So am I," Andrew said, "I miss you so much when your away, Colleen, I never want to let you go when you leave again for college." He kissed her. Then he kissed her again. They kissed on, not noticing the beady hazal eyes that watched them from the front window. Emily always got what she wanted. And right now, she wanted Dr. Andrew Cook.

The next morning Colleen left for town with her ma. She offered to show her around town, but Emily refused. She said she could get there if she wanted to go. Colleen said alright. She left with Dr. Mike. A few moments after they left Andrew came up to the house in the other direction. He was looking for Colleen. Emily said she was in town. But she would like it if he gave her a ride into town. He said yes.

"It sure was nice of you to drive me here," Emily said as they arrived at the chatue.

"Are you sure this is okay to drop you off?" he asked.

Emily asked suddenly, "Do you love Colleen a lot?"

"Yes, I do," he said, hopping off of the buggy and helping her down, "Why do you ask?"

"Well, if you weren't I would just have to do this." And with that she kissed him smack on the lips. Andrew was to stunned to speak. He could not believe that Colleen's friend would do this to her.

"Please, don't ever do that again," He said.

"Okay," she said and walked on like nothing had happened. Andrew walked into his clinic. She is one screwed up girl.

Colleen could not believe her eyes. Andrew and Emily? She had only been here one day. She didn't stay to see the rest of what was going to happen. She started running in the other direction. She couldn't believe that Andrew would kiss someone he hardly knew. She was crying now. She didn't know where too, she just had to get away from it. She was wrong, so wrong. She didn't know Andrew at all.

To be continued!