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Dua' Jamilah

Whoever recites the Names of Allahu ta 'ala contained in this Blessed Dua' Jamilah after Salaatul Fajr, gets the thawaab as though he performed Hajj one hundred [100] times of the same blessings of Hazrat Adam Safiy Allah Alaihi Salaam. And whoever recites it after Salaatul Thur it is as if he has performed three hundred [300] Hajj with the same baraka as Hazrat Ibraheem Khaleel Allah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Salaatul Asr received the reward of having performed one hundred [100] Hajj with the same baraka as Hazrat Isa Ruhullah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Salaatul Maghrib receives a reward as though he performed Hajj seven hundred [700] times with the same baraka [blessings] of Hazrat Yunus Alaihi Salaam. Who ever recites it after Salaatul 'Ishaa receives a reward equivalent to one thousand [1000] Hajj as that performed by Hazrat Musa Kaleemullah Alaihi Salaam. The one who recites it after Tahajjud it is as though he has performed one hundred thousand [100.000] Hajj receiving the baraka of the Hajj as performed By Sayyidina Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim. He also receives the baraka of reciting of having freed a thousand hungry people and of having given water to a thousand thirsty persons. Whoever doubts this has committed a sin. In another riwaayah it is said that one day Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim was sitting in the Masjid and all of a sudden Hazrat Jibreel Alaihi Salaam came into the Masjid and said: " Yaa Rasulullah, [Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim] Yaa Khaatimul Ambiyaa [Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim]. Allah Subhaana wa ta 'ala sends Salaams on you and He said that this Dua' Jamilah has been sent for you and your Ummah.." Sayyidina Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim asked him: " O my brother Jibreel, tell me the thawaab in this Dua for me and my Ummat." Hazrat Jibreel Alaihi Salaam said: " Yaa Muhammad [Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallim] , the person who recites this Dua or keeps it with him, even if it is his nature to commit sins, by the baraka of this Dua' Allah Subhaana Hoo will forgive him." the above has been taken from:- THE BENEFIT OF DUA' AND DAROOD. A COLLECTION OF ISNAADS CONCERNING THE THAWAAB OF VARIOUS DUA'S AND DAROODS



From a different Riwaayah additional infromation is given and we find the following :-


Fajr rewards of 300 Hajj(Adam alayih sallam) Dhur rewards of 500 Hajj (Ibraheem alayih sallam) Asr 100 Hajj rewards (Yunus alayih sallam ) Ish’a 1000 Hajj rewards (Musa alayih sallam) and recited at tahajjud it is as though he has performed 100.000 Hajj receiving the baraka of the Hajj as performed by Sayyidina Rasuli Akram Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.


Who ever reads dua’ Allah Ta’ala will make it easy for the person to die when he leaves this world, and an angel will come to his grave to be with him looking after his grave until the day of judgement.

Allah Ta’ala will give countless rewards to the person who reads this dua’ on the 15th of the month, if he can not recite, but keeps it in his hands in wudu says the following Durood Shareef 11 times


(Allah-huma sali alla sayyidina Muhammadiw-wa alla ale sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadiw-wa ashabi sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadiw-wa barik wa-sallim bi-rahmateka ya ar-hamar-rahimeen)


Whoever is in need of anything Allah Ta’ala will grant him his desire. If a person reads it once in his life or keeps it on him Allah Ta’ala will make it easy for him to pass over the Bridge of Faith ( pul-serrat) so he can enter heaven. Then Hazrat Jabrail alayih sallam said, Oh Rasulallah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, make your Ummah aware of hellfire and that if I were to tell you the secrets of this dua’ everyday will leave worldly matters and indulge themselves with Allah Ta’ala work.


Who ever reads it or keeps it on him will protected from any kind of magic, his enemies will become his friends and who ever so reads or keeps, this dua’ with him , his face will be shining like a moon on the day judgement. And his missed prays will be forgiven and in his travelling he won’t feel tiredness’ in his prays.


When he will rise from his grave people around him will say which prophet is he? Allah Ta’ala will reply" He is no prophet but he read this dua’ Sincerely from his Heart and because of this, these favours and blessings are for him" And Allah Ta’ala will enter him into paradise on the day of judgement.

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