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Fanfic Submission Rules
1 - Be a member.  That's easy enough.  Just E-mail or or and say "Hay!  I wanna join the P/T E!"

2 - Once you've joined, you can submit your Pairs/Torres fanfics.  Send your submissions to in the body of the E-Mail.  Attachments will NOT be opened.  If you have to send your fanfic as an attachment, E-mail and she (Torra) will send you the address which you may send your attachments too.

3 - All fanfic submitted must be PG-13 or Under.  No R or NC-17 fanfic will be considered for posting unless Author is willing to go though with Torra and edit the story until it is of an appropriate rating.
    No fanfics of an Anti-Religous, Overly-Pro-One-Religon, or a Pro-sexest/racest/homophobic nature will be allowed at all.


    That's it guys, pretty simple huh?  If you aren't sure, E-mail your story to Torra and ask her if it's okay.  She (I) will take you though it and show you why it is or isn't.
    Keep the fanfic coming, guys, we need to have it to post it!

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