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"Apollo Creed meets the Italian Stallion, Sounds like a damn monster movie"-Apollo

"Your a tomata, Lets face it I run a business here, not a goddamn soup kitchen."-Mick

"Ain't gonna be no rematch... Ain't gonna be no rematch..."-Apollo "Don't want one."-Rocky

"You want the bird?!! Then go out in the alley and eat the bird!!"-Pauly "Oh Pauly"-Adrian

"You had a chance to become a good fighter, but instead you became a laybreaker for a second rate loanshark"-Mick

"Its a livin"-Rocky "Its a waste a life!"-Mick

"I just said that you dumb Diego!"-Mick

"Yo Butkus!"-Rocky

"When did you ever take a shot?!"-Rocky

"Your gonna eat lightning, and your gonna crap thunder!"-Mick

"Your gonna be a very dangerous person!"-Mick

"I want you! I want the stallion!"-Apollo

"Why do you wanna fight?"-Adrian "Cause I can't sing or dance."-Rocky

"I don't want you messin with southpaws"-Apollo's trainer "Southpaw nothin, I'll drop em in 3"-Apollo

"Athletes sweat and smell.. Be a thinker, not a stinker."-Apollo Creed

"Its very American."-Jergens "No Jergens, its very smart"-Apollo

"How do you spell DelRio?-Rocky "Look it up in the dictionary Rock!!!!"-Gazzo"

"You don't think I hear things?...."-Gazzo"

"Cut me Mick.."-Rocky "You don't wanna do it kid!"-Mick "Cut me."-Rocky

"If you stop this fight I'll kill you."-Rocky

"He doesn't know its a damn show, he thinks its a damn fight, now finish this bum and lets go home."-Duke

"Do other fighters pound raw meat?"-Reporter "No I think I invented it."-Rocky

"If he can't fight I bet he can cook."-Apollo



"I was just wonderin if you wouldn't mind marrying me much."-Rocky

"Well I'd like to get a couple of hats and maybe a statue for the church and some of those Muppets for the kid, you know, Kermit and Miss Piggy and a Snowcone machine for Paulie, you like Snowcones don't you?"-Rocky

"Who the hell is that? Al Capone?!"-Apollo

"Hows about investin in condominiums Rock?"-Gazzo "nah"-Rocky "Its safe!"-Gazzo "nah... I don't use em."-Rocky

"Yo Adrian! I did it!!"-Rocky


"What's your prediction for the fight?"-Reporter "PAIN!!"-Clubber

"He can't duck me forever.. He can run but he can't hide."-Clubber

"Your just a jealous lazy bum."-Rocky "I'm gonna break your freakin mouth!"-Pauly

"I don't sweat you"-Pauly

"Why are they carryin him?"-Pauly "He's walkin."-Mick

"The ultimate male versus the ultimate meatball."-Thunderlips

"Bring your pretty little self over to my apartment and i'll show you a real man."-Clubber

"What did you say paper champion? I'm gonna beat you like a dog!"-Clubber

"Give everybody a present and drop this chump."-Apollo

"What do you think of Apollo training Rocky?"-Reporter "Apollo who?! You talkin about that old fool Apollo Creed?"-Clubber

"He's gonna use muscles he never thought he had."-Apollo

"I thought you said be cool!"-Rocky "That was cool."-Apollo

"I'm gonna bust you up."-Clubber "Go for it."-Rocky

"You ain't so bad!"-Rocky

"You fight great, but I'm a great fighter."-Apollo


"You get that heavy bag with eyeballs in the ring and your going to know the meaning of pain!"-Apollo

"No, maybe I can't win, maybe the only thing I can do is just take everything he's got. But to beat me, he's gonna have to kill me, and to kill me, he's gonna have to have the heart to stand in front of me, and to do that, he's gotta be willing to die himself and I don't know if he's ready to do that. I don't know, I don't know."-Rocky

"Get your hands up It's time to go to school!"-Apollo "You will lose."-Ivan

"If he dies, he dies."-Ivan

"What's happening out there?"- Duke "He's winning, I see three of him out there."- Rocky "Hit the one in the middle."- Pauly "Right! Hit the one in the middle!"-Duke


"You knocked him down, why don't you try knockin me down now..."-Rocky

"Hey, yo Tommy, I didn't hear no bell."-Rocky