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Page News-04-11-03: Well, this is it. This site has gotten about as dead as dead can get. I would like to post this, sadly, as a tribute to my website, that I established at the age of 9. It's been a great 5 years. Thanks, everyone who came here. I've since moved on to better things, working on websites and businesses and whatnot. But, for as long as Angelfire is around, so will be the Garrett Page, and I hereby lay rest to what was entire start of my computing career.
Rest In Peace
The Garrett Page
June 5, 1996-April 11, 2003
*It's over, it's time for me to go...*
Please fill out my visitor form!
Advanced Virus Protection. Protect your computer NOW!
Chase's Sports and Pokemon Card Site Store Thingy
My Awards!
A Rainy Day. :-)
A Guest Link Page! You can add YOUR site to the list!
My Enrichment Class!
Games and Stuff!
Some of my pictures!
The Chase Page!
Peek'n Peak's Web Site (I ski there)
Garfield the Cat's Site!
Lakeview Ford's web site
While you are here, would you please sign my guestbook? It's at the top of the page. Also, you can sign up for my FREE mailing list. You can cancel anytime. Also, Rate my site above.
I would really appreciate it if all of you would
me some suggestions of what I should use this page for, or what I should add.
I would like to thank the people that come here, as it makes my
ratings go up. Thank you for clicking on my banner, if you did.
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