Our Children's Photo AlbumWe like to introduce you to our children. Roxanne, Alan, Stephen, and Deidre.
Our daughter Roxanne and hubby Duane you may already know from their home page /pa/ninno1/. I'm sure you would really enjoy their page. They have spent many hours on preparing the page to be viewed. The page presents you with a large look into their life. Enjoy!
Alan's family is a special part of our family tree. With the winding down of the old year a quiet peace settles over this family.In the past year a great deal has happened. Our wonderful daughter-in-law has successfully fought the heroic battle so many fail to win. She has had Lukemia and fought the fight and won. This family has had so much love and caring, prayers and kindness shared upon them it makes you see what the real world is when we stop and look.
The Engler family has enough energy for our entire family. Well with two young men racing around the house I guess you have to. Then consider a daughter who enjoys modeling, putting on designer clothes shows and working for a department store an a special events coordinator and shoppers advisor. Dean,our son-in-law, plans the weekends for true enjoyment filled with sight and sound. God bless them one and all.
Stephens picture will be on next page.