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Poems I Have Written

I love to write poetry. The easiest way for me to share what I write is if I have someone read it. I never read my poetry aloud. So this works nice. I have had many poems published in huge anthologies. I have also had them published in magazines and newspapers. I've won awards on some poems. My favorite poetry sites are Now and Forever and Bush Scene.

Eye to the World

I look out my window and I see peaceful, calm, beautiful pastures.
The world is full of love.

I look in another’s eyes and I see the life that you live.
I see your fears, dreams and concerns.

I look in the mirror and I see loneliness, contentment, and happiness.

I see the spirit that lives within me.
It runs deep and flows wildly.

I see the soul that loves the world but pleads for it to change.

I see the woman in love with the idea of a perfect man.
The perfect man loves me for me.


When love lifts you up you fly higher than a kite.

When love breaks your heart you feel the world has fallen at your feet.

Love can put you in a state of mind you never want to leave,
and love can make you wish you left it sooner.

Love is a way of life,
no matter which way it flows.

Love is love,
that's just the way it goes!

Crying of a Child

The child sat in the middle of the room clenching her pillow tightly,
while squinting her tired eyes from the sun which shone so brightly.

She cried all night, for she was unsure of what tomorrow would bring,
wanting to start over, remembering nothing.

She scurried under the bed when she heard the footsteps of a clumsy man,
knowing that he'd found her by the crushing sound of an empty beer can.

He grabbed her at the ankles, dragging her across the hard wooden floor,
then he pulled her off the ground by her wrists and slammed her against the door.

"Don't hurt me, please," she begged to her dad,
"I promise you, next time I won't be so bad."

As the dreadful days grew longer,
his awful punch seemed to grow stronger.

The poor, neglected, little girl soon gave in,
believing that she'd always be unable to win.

Feeling God was the only one for her to talk to,
she knelt beside her bed and asked God what she should do.

In a way that only the child would know the meaning of,
God helped her by showing her all of his love.

He took her soul with him to a place where love is the only thing around,
instead of being forced with pain, the little one was finally heaven bound.

God helped her to escape from the horrible life she had,
alcohol and abuse is what made the small child so sad.

Listen to this important message I'm giving to you,
drinking alcohol and abusing those you love is not what you want to do.

My Best Friend (Dedicated to Missy)

When your "friends" turned their backs, I helped you handle the pain,
When I was drowning in my tears, you walked me out of the pouring rain.

You talk about your Alex in hopes to see him one day,
I framed his picture so forever with you he'll stay.

Our friendship we built means everything in the world to me,
you're my best friend who I don't ever want to lose, you see.

We talk about anything, no matter how sick,
I think you're a hockey fanatic and you think I'm a country hick!

After two years we'll be moving on it seems,
we have to catch the stars and follow our dreams.

I don't believe that our friendship will come to an end,
because you are the only person I can call my best friend.


Drops pelting off the window,
the sound of tears from heaven.

I can hear the cry of a lost little girl,
sitting in the middle of nowhere,
her head buried in her hands,
no one to turn to,
decisions to make on her own,
she's confused, hurt and misunderstood.

Drops pelting off the window,
the sound of her tears falling from heaven.

While You Were Out

I couldn't sleep,
I couldn't eat.

I felt empty inside,
I had no direction in my life.

Now that I have you in my arms,
my love is strong.

It's overflowing again like it once did.

It fills me with happiness and everlasting joy,
it's a feeling I never want to haev to let go of again.

My Little Kitty

My little kitty sits in the window all day long,

moving his tail to the beat of his favorite song.

With a smile on his face and already been fed,

he dances to the music playing in his head.

He concentrates hard on keeping the beat,

with his puffy tail and his gigantic feet.

The music was made for us humans not to hear,

but he sometimes forgets when he purrs the song in my ear.

While the silent music slowly dies,

my little kitty closes his eyes.

Roses of Life

Every rose starts out as a seedling,
it takes water, sunlight, protection and love to grow.

As the flower begins to develop it structures itself a personality.

Then a rose matures and you notice it has grown thorns.
The thorns represent mistakes and challenges it has faced during the process of growth.

As it blooms, you notice it has goals it is trying to achieve.
One day it will wake up to the world.

Roses take time and patience to raise.
In the end, they leave you with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Roses are precious,
take the time to smell the roses of life.

Wonderful Day

The sun, the moon, the stars,
a galaxy full of wonder.

I look out and I see my future,
I see a guiding light.

I feel a thousand years old,
but yet it makes me feel my childhood come to life.

I reach my hands out as if I could pull a star out of the night sky,
I praise God for all that he has given to me.

I close my eyes and fall asleep under all the beauty of the world,
and when I wake another day of wonder begins.


I don't know what the word "ME" stands for,
to "ME" that word is locked behind a closed door.

"My Emotions," is that what it means?
or is it a brand name for a pair of designer jeans.

Do you know what to think of "ME"?
I bet you don't, you can't even see.

Look real hard into "My Eyes,"
"ME," is that someone who always cries?

I don't know how to tell you what "ME" is about,
when I think of it, it makes me want to shout.

Let "ME" escape into a world all my own,
Let "ME" by myself, to be alone.

Someday I hope that they will define "ME,"
so that everyone else will see what I see.

Love Poems
