Homer-Center Strike 1998 Page Chatroom
The Homer-Center Teacher Strike 1998 Chat and
Discussion Room is a place to chat with people about the strike or related
topics. Because not a whole lot of people visit the site, chances are
no one will be in the room when you visit. You can try to check and see
if anyone is on, but probably the best way would be to schedule a time to
meet with someone. That's why I've scheduled a group chat for
Wednesday November 4th at 7:00pm. Plan to be online then for
a hearty chat about the issues and what you think should be done.. or just
join and listen to the chat. Everyone is welcome.
About the only rule that I have for the chatroom is to not impersonate
anyone else. This is also against the "LifeUniverse User Agreement,"
because it could turn into a bad situation if people think someone said
something they didn't, for obvious reasons. Other than that, you're on your own.
Just try to be polite and courteous and (you know the rest).
The LiveUniverse User Agreement is supposed to be read and agreed to by
all users, and it's located at
http://LiveUniverse.com/luv/html/userAgreement.html. Take a gander at
it if you really want to; it basically says to not
impersonate or harass anyone and to not hold LiveUniverse liable for
The entrance to the chatroom is located below. If this is your first time using the chat,
click on "New User" and fill in the registration information. It is a
quick and easy registration, and this is where you choose the nickname you use
to identify yourself. After you register, you can immediately enter the
- The chatroom can be slow to load at first. Please be patient.
Once the room has loaded, it's pretty fast.
- The very first time that you use the LiveUniverse chat, the quote
feature doesn't work. On subsequent visits, however, your quote will
- When logging on a second time, you will need to enter your
password. This will be sent to you in an email, and once
you login a second time you will have a Profiles option to change your user info.
- In the chatroom, type your text in the yellowish bar near the
bottom of your screen.
Have fun, and see you in the discussion room!