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E. F. Yeager Garden Studios
Email Pittsburgh, PA               Toll Free (888) 283-5155 PayPal

Copyright Information

Any sale of my artwork does not constitute an implied sale of the copyright, or rights to reproduce them in any way.

This web site and all of its contents, images and text, are protected under the U.S. Copyright Act and other applicable laws.   The Copyright Act protects the artist by giving her the exclusive right to reproduce her images and supporting text.   This includes the right to control the making of copies for use in the digital domain or otherwise.

It is illegal to copy or reproduce any artwork or text displayed on this web site without the express written permission of the artist.   Failure to abide by this provision can subject violators to civil and criminal penalties.   Downloading images from this web site will leave a digital trail, and in the event of abuse we will agressively prosecute copyright violators.

Permission is granted by Eileen F. Yeager to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this site for your own personal use as a shopping resource, but she reserves all rights in and title to any proprietary information so copied.   Any other use of materials on this site (including reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication) without prior written consent of Eileen F. Yeager is strictly prohibited.


Herbal Art
Nationality Herb Gardens       Herb Mixtures       Herbal Quilt Garden
Historic Herb Gardens       Individual Herbs

Floral Art
Flower Gardens Home       Individual Flowers       Floral Trios       Monotype Florals       Floral Leaf Garden

Spring Garden       Summer Garden       Autumn Garden       Winter Garden
Dreams       Wine       Beach/Water       Strata

Special Galleries
Wine Grapes of the World       Notecards and Reproductions      My Secret Garden       Landscapes       Hearts

Order Form       How to Order       Guarantee       Email       Printmaking Process      Schedule of Events
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