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Click for Clearfield, Pennsylvania Forecast
Being in two different parties
we don't always agree on the issues.
But, we always VOTE.
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Daily Prayer

Dear Lord--

I'm proud to say, so far today
I've got along all right;
I have not gossiped, whined or bragged,
Or had a single fight.

I haven't lost my temper once,
Or criticized my mate,
I have not lied, I have not cried,
Or loudly cursed my fate.

So far today I've not one time
Been grumpy or morose,
I've not beem spiteful, cold or vain,
Self-centered or verbose.

But, Lord, I'm going to need Your help
Throughtout the hours ahead,
So give me strength, Dear Lord, for now
I'm getting out of bed.

By John T. Baker
Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul

Hi, I'm MARK

Live in Hillsdale Secton of Clearfield, PA.
Have been Coordinator of Mobile Services
for the Clearfield County Public Library.
For close to 20 years, gees!
I also take care of the maintenance at the
library here in Clearfield.
Mark's Picture Page
One of my favorite passtimes is
working on my Genelogy.
Some Family Pictures
Hi, I'm DAVE

I'm four...four... I just can't bring myself to say it.
One of my hobbies is collecting cows.
Into games: computer, board, cards, etc.
I'm an in home care provider.
Dave's Picture Page

Us, AIDS Memorial Quilt in Washington, D.C.
On January 25, 2006 at 2:18 pm
Something wonderful happened!
We became UNCLES!
Garret Kaleb
Garret's 1st Birthday
To send mail to Mark.
To send mail to Dave.

We love to get mail, send us some.