Gum is a Word That Sounds Like Tree
Some times when I see a bubble fly by I think, hey! There is a bubble flying
by. That’s the best way to go about looking up something. Wrong. When you
fly, do your arms think that there about to fall off? I would. What the hell
is going on? Where are the misty stars that once light up the heavens? Why
are there so many question marks in this damn thing? Patients are a fun thing
to be around if they’re happy. Sure is fun to play with a demented animal.
Sometimes you can teach them to do funny things, like play with dolls, or maybe
cause mass destruction in the middle of a big city…. Oh wait I guess that’s
little people. I bet that would solve a lot of money problems. Don’t come
afraid little one, I know how to get the wheel off of the spotted cow. If I
don’t come over today, that means that the only thing keeping me in my place is
an atomic bomb. Oh yeah have I mentioned that I am the only person alive with
the stuff that I have, not everything mind you just my stuff. If my story
confuses you then I must ask you to settle down, come to your senses and offer
yourself a cold drink …whoa now, don’t get plastered. If you do then I must
suggest that I yell and scream until you can’t handle it anymore….
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! sorry bout that its just one of them
things that I like to do, you know, annoy people. Now when it comes down to
which things I will ask you to follow, it will always come down to this little
limerick that I learned back in the army. Please help your self to something
special when you here the magic words. "Karooka? (it doesn’t matter if its
not a word your just going to have to deal with it.) "Dusters… whoa baby they
fuck up your brain" Sometimes when you go back and look at things you have to
ask yourself "wait a minute should the whole thing be like that?" Well just
to let you know I have already thought of that, and the answer is. "FIGURE
IT OUT FOR YOURSELF YOU LAZY SCHMUCK!" Who is Harold any way, and how long
has he lived in Babcock? Who can look at this really small, and still get
your point across, but of course you don’t know exactly what your writing.
Cool huh? Duh what am I thinking you’ll never be able to see it in my light.
Sorry bout your luck, but its over now.