Hippy Crap

Its all just a bunch of hippy crap. Don’t you see it? It’s the crap inside the hippy. I could swear that I’ve heard that. Oh yeah if your reading this make sure that you say the words hippy crap real funny in your head. It adds a new little effect to the story. I would imagine that if you considered your self a hippie you might just be offended by this story, but hey…BLOW ME! I DON’T GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT ANY ONE, NOT EVEN YOU BLASTED SHMUCKS. Sorry bout that. Sometimes I tend to fly off the handle. Can you start to see all of the relevance to this. I know if I happened to be in the situation I would have said to the man "Hey…Wow!" Yeah that’s what I’d say. Cluck, Cluck. Why can’t some people just try to understand pigeon, they’re really not that bad once you ripped one of them suckers heads off, and get to know them better. I’m sure that pigeon heads are extremely lucky. It would be like a lucky rabbits foot only with eyes and a mouth. What an idea I ought to patent it. I’ll be rich before I’m 300. Has anyone else wondered why one side the red goes away and on the other side everything is purple. The question sure is bewildering. Bug, bug, bug, bug, bug. Won’t you please, please won’t you be, my neighbor. Hello neighbor. Wow, what a nice guy. Now have we forgotten something? YEAH! I wonder if Bowsers nut house ever looks at us and says them there kids are headed straight down the nut trail. Hippidy hoppidy Easters on its way! Hot damn I just gathered me a massive conglomeration of equipment.

Email: lsf@vicon.net