Hop, Wink, and be Happy.
Ultiplator. Junk, people can’t be normal when normality isn’t in
concern with the numbers on the street. Skip, skip crafty, I’m afraid of crazy
Kathy. Flip, flip stare, Whoa! Damn animal! Necktie says" put your toes in
your mouth only if they are loud." Get out of the damn shower. Cause. Where
not? Be happy! Dip Shit. Girls are weird. Be careful. Don’t let the liquid
eat you up. Droop. Don’t use my shoe for balance. Don’t be afraid, of the
man in the center, he’s only trying to escape. Square off. Black? White?
Hmm……..White, no question about it.
No I won’t.
Email: hippiefreak34@angelfire.com