How Doooooo You Do?
I sure hope Randy gets sick, not just for me, but all the people who
hate field workers. Now you have to understand that its not me who is the
thinker, but maybe only the thoughts which are within, because everyone know
that when the lights go out it’s only a matter of plugging them back in.
don’t go down there my friend d you have no idea what’s going on. "need a
little spice? SNAP it to a Slim Jim!" I think she needs to call anytime now.
In a quiet moment you need to ask yourself the question, "who is the Bootie
man? Why hasn’t he come forward to describe the fight of a life time between
him and the ox puller we like to call the inspiration `Spirals Shadow`" "I’m
gonna git you Hulk Hogan!! Oh Yeah!!." "Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!"
Their not as scary as a bunch of crazed midgets with funny voices. Make sure
you check your cookies before she leaves the porch. Come on everyone, lets do
the Douggie Buggy. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to fly through your kitchen?
I’m not to sure that I’m ready for that kind of philosophy.