Ode To Jed
It has been proven that there is only one omnipotent fool with growing power,
and strength. He lurks in the shadows, and waits for the weakened, defenseless
mongrels to hesitate just for a moment. Then he reaches out and takes their
socks and shoes when there’re not looking. You see, the way he figures it if
you’re missing these important items then how could they possibly pose a threat
to him. Speaking of which I believe that nightmares, dreams, what have you,
are merely hallucination in a trance like world. Well enough philosophy.
Lets get back to our hero. We resume our story at Jed’s breaking point. That’s
right fellow classmates our hero is the popular Jed Dunkle! Why do you think
this story is so retarded. It would seem that this year Jed is desperate for
some kind of help, because this year he faces his biggest foe. He now faces…..
The "Key Master" The key master is one of the deadliest of his enemies. With
his violent temper, and his acid filled drool. He is a match for any super
retard. Trying desperately to think of a plan to defeat the acid spitting
freak, all that came to mind was…Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed,
Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed. Boy if he just had an ounce of brain it would be simple
to beat him. I mean think about it, Key Master is also a retard with limited
ability. With this in mind, lets get back to the matter at hand. Jed needs
some serious help. If any of you know Jed, you can understand why people are
so reluctant to help this young, thoughtless fool.
Email: lsf@vicon.net