Oh Me Oh Me Again
If my mom was a bitch she wouldn’t be the kind of mother that I’ve
always wanted. Why in the hell would people want to go that way when everyone
knows that people can’t stick around because of gum. Beware of the crazy
people. "One more trip and I’ll be gone." OOPS to late I hit that spot a
couple of trips ago. Like 10. Apollo was a space odyssey program not to far
from the like of home. Were the tall people the only people not aware of the
grains inside of the o-rings. Ah ha! That’s why the booster exploded. AP
(alto phono). Hat trick is not ever present, but never present is not, I
repeat Not, a hat trick. That is the only possible explanation of why I’m
sitting in a school yard writing scriblets on a piece of dead, almost topical,
piece of paper. Make sure that Skippy doesn’t play with fire. He’s so damn
dumb he’ll probably get burned. No, no stop it George, your a silly monkey,
and you can’t sing.
Email: lsf@vicon.net