Take A Trip With Me

Boy there is just some really flipped out stuff going on, like for instance… how am I typing this. Is the monotonous equivalent to a drooping sound be the sound which is not being made by not being anything or just the fact that there really wasn’t the sound to begin with. Why won’t that damn truck just leave. Its been following me throughout my past looking, looking for a place to inhibit me, and with that she saw that there was nothing left for her in this country, and for those reasons, and only for her she left. If indeed we are not the race whom we instinctively say we are then what does any of this really have to do with the matter at hand. Basically I think that it is a mear and meaningful way of looking at sorts in the way we do……slurred in thinking, but knowingly groggle on beforth in wits that we are behaving in the way that the rest of the lab rats would seem imprisoned, but me ahhh, me I’M FREE!!!!!!! That is the exact. See I don’t think that it was as hard as u first thought. So why are we worried?

Email: lsf@vicon.net