Times, They are a Changing

It all starts on a simple, but most androgynous night. Silently the predator stalks his pray. Waiting for the one chance to pounce. Wait! While hunched close to the ground he is moved sideways by a force which is unbeknownst to both him, and all of the viewers taking pleasure in his discomfort. "How can this be?" he asks "There is nothing there." Although wanting to believe that what just happened to him was merely a figment of his imagination, he feels all around suspiciously looking for that mysterious jolt. "Oh my God" he gasps as he lifts his front appendage up and to the left. "Where in the hell am I?" Meanwhile the prey whom he was instinctively chasing causally strides over to the nearest gathering of his own species and proceeds to communicate in a comical sense. Now gazing back at what just hit him he noticed that what once appeared to be your everyday back round, split open. Peeling back, as if some one was drawing curtains in a play. What lay beyond this incisive distance was uncertain, and to a degree still is in all senses of being, still is. Contrary to popular belief traveling forth into the unknown, while being extremely exhilarating is still, and I don’t care what your precious ego says, makes you want to wet your freaking pants. Well without any further hesitation or fearlessness (yeah right) predator decides to go through the opening which has emerged before him. *ZAP* In a flash he’s gone. Wait what was it? I have no idea, but I’m glad I pushed him through before he shoved me. Heh, heh. After he vanishes the ground begins to rumble, the sky starts to transform. Going through all of the colors imaginable before turning into a depressing black. Sweat starts to roll from my forehead, down over the bridge of my nose till finally it drips off the tip of my nose and hits the ground with a deafening splash. All sounds other than this have seemed to have deceased. Looking down I notice that I am no longer standing on the firm ground, but floating in mid air. "Holy shit man. What the hell is going on? Where am I?" A thousand questions race through my mind. In the distance there is a faint, but familiar sound….ring…..ring….RING!!!!>< sitting straight up I finally realize that I just had the weirdest dream of my life. Exhausted I turn over on my side to fall back asleep, when I notice that I’m not on my bed, but suspended in air, with strange looking poachers gazing down upon me holding what appears to be eating utensils in their hands. Kind of ironic isn’t it?

Email: lsf@vicon.net