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Sergeant Andrew Carter

Carter may seem a little dim-witted at times, but when it comes to explosives and anything that runs on an engine, he's brilliant! He always seems to be pleasant, for example when Stallag 13 gets a major blizzard, he sees it as an oppurtunity to build a snowman. He's also very lucky at cards! Usually picked to be in disguise, Carter has been waterproofed, a member of the Gestapo, a fire marshall, Klink, Hitler, and more. He's probably just a misunderstood (yet still somewhat dim-witted) genius. Hey, even Einstien forgot his own address!

About Carter Hats:
The "Carter hat" is a Type B-2 Sherling Flying Cap that was standardized on April 21st, 1939 as the regulation Winter Flying Cap used in all theatres of operations. Wow, thanks for the great info,!


"Ka-BOOM!"--Carter, describing a pending explosion. Thanks for this quote, Andrew! (Hey, nice name! ;-))
"It does take intelligence to be stupid." Thanks for the quote, Jade!
"You got it, boy! Uh, I mean sir."
"Why doesn't anyone ask me to voulnteer for these things?!"
"That's like trying to get blood out of a parsnip!"
(to Schultz) "Would you mind moving your massive bulk so I can clean out the closet?"
*Laughuing* "LeBeau can't even stitch a button onto a shirt!"
"I kinda always thought that if there was to be an ultimate weapon, it would be mine." Thanks for this quote,!

Got more quotes? Send them to!

How to make the Carter smilie (cut and paste this HTML code)

<font color="brown">(d</font> <font color="gray">|</font>

<font color="black">:-)</font>

(d| :-)

Now you have a Carter smilie!

There are lots of other Carter smilies:
(d| ;-) ~With eyelashes or winking~
(d| :-o ~Surprised~
(d| :-O or (d| :-0 ~Yelling~
(d| %-o ~Stressed~
(d| :-\ or (d| :-/ or (d| :-~ ~Confused or thinking~
There are lots of other Carter smilies, so make up your own! (d| ;-)