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Yori's Hogan's Heroes Page!

Welcome to my Hogan's Heroes page! It's better than the cooler, isn't it?


7-25-01: Tons of new qoutes! Check the quotes page and Carter's page! A few minutes later that same day . . .I recently changed my e-mail address, and to prevent the spambots from finding it out, I've set up an e-mail form you can use. It's really quite nice and simple, so try it out! :-) Also, that means until I clean up all the links, don't send mail to anymore; it'll just bounce back after the end of this month!
Later on 3-17-01: When you think of music they listened to during WWII, Glenn Miller probably comes to mind, and what could be a better selection from the Miller Orchestra than "In The Mood"? :-)
3-17-01: The scrollbar for the frame is now in salmon! Pretty cool, huh? (d| ;-) By the way, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
3-11-01: There's a ton of new quotes, and an updated award from Charlemange! Also, check out my new weblog (it's an interesting concept if you've never heard of them before) and feel free to use the interactive features, such as comments, etc.!
1-27-00: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but guess what: I won an award! (d| ;-D Thanks, Charlemange! Click here to see it. Also, non-HH related, but please check out my Benny Goodman desktop theme (and maybe download it and add a nice comment!).

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