Here are some pics from Creation. I will add the ones from last year to this page later. Enjoy!
This is the 2000 group that went to Ceration. I went with Fawn UMC. My friend Kar's church.
Nat acting crazy like always on the way to creation.
Its Brianna at one of the concerts.
This is Kar, just waking up and i have no clue whats nat is doing.
It's Nat.
It's me one morning wondering around the camp site.
It's Karlie sleeping one afternoon.
This is Nat, Kar and mine feet. You wash your feet daily but they never seem to stay clean.
This is Nat and I at one of the many concerts.
Kar and I the morning we were leaving. You know how EARLY they woke us up. CRAZY!
It's the special sign we made for Ben. WE MISSED YOU BEN!
Left to right~ Me, Ben (went to creation with us, one of the funniest guys I ever met), and then my good friend Kar.
The whole gang from Creation.
My friend Kar, shaving her legs at Creation. What a great blackmail picture.
Me, and then Nat, who I became friends with while at Creation.