My Favorite Web sites
Okay most of you will find this site VERY VERY boring, but to Moyer and I its the greatest site ever!! If you don't laugh while reading this you need to go take some laughing gas or something. So here goes nothing.
~Dude, first off what's up with the whole, bummy and hurrying crap. Just call it peeing or taking crap.
~ Oh and the time you and i dressed up in our old dorky snow stuff and went sledding down you hill and then i thought i broke your arm so you attacked me afterwards.
~ Speaking of snow and winter, it was a HUGE HUGE piece of ice i fell on at your house. And if someone would of cleaned their driveway fully that would of never happened.
~Then there were tons of lunch memories. The time you fell off your chair, emily "You talking about me" Mr. Hall harassing us, and the many fights.
~ Arent' you glad you are friends with BEAVERTOE!!
~Then, with my speedy legs, i ran to your house in the rain looking like a drowned beavertoe.
~Don't ever dive into homeplate with too big of pants on or they might see your lucky blues!!
~Then there's Ruth, dude i'm busy beating up some people with bunny ears on.
~I'm serious, we should eat cereal out of cups not bowls, so that way you can drink the milk right out of it when you are done.
~I claim the make out hole first!!!
~Oh and the guys at Chuck E Cheese checking you out as we drove by.
~Dude, you better be wearing that thong, thong, thong!!
~The mall memories, and chasing Redclay and other guys we thought we knew.
~ The endless hours of spending at each others houses just talking and laughing our heads off at each other.
~Included in them hours were the times bitching about coach Walizer.
~Taking Curt line dancing the first time while he tried to get girl's digits but failed.
~The endless hours of also talking about guys, but in the end they are always jerks.
~ No matter what you will always continue to do the hand to the mouth movement. Ha i got your trained.
~ Never forget our strange, strange talks with Mr. Hall.
~ Remember, moving day. After i had a long day of SAT's and Cindy, you and i hung out all nite, where we made tons of stupid memores. The crazy pictures of you and i, the hot guy at Delta Pizza that wanted us, and all the talks we shared that nite.
~Remember all the softball memories my sophmore year.
~The time i spilt cappacunio on my pants on the way to our morning game at Solanco. So it looked like i "hurried" myself.
~The time i came out of the outhouse at Kenderdale's game. Stupid people trying to tip it over. So i came out with my pants down. And Mrs. Walizer chewed me out even though i had shorts on underneath. That was a wonderful moment.
~The times we stole Mr. Hall food when we tried to eat.
~Oh yes and the time, we found women adds for him so he could try to get a date.
~Also the time we stole his shoe and wouldn't give it back. So we could see his beavertoe.
~We both now own some nice blackmail pics of each other
~All the bus rides where i was soo hyper that Mrs. Walizer couldn't stand me.
~Last year in the finals, on the way home, when Wright and I were studying for bio and talking about the sex organs of the animals we disected.
~Our many talks about Ruth. Why we even bothered?
~Your conversations about YOUR gas problem.
Well i will end there for now. However, there will be tons more to add. So enjoy.