Background on Buffy:

Buffy is a girl who happens to be "the slayer". She is not very happy about that, she would rather be someone "normal" and have the oportunity to do the stuff that other teenagers do like going to the movies, to balls, to the mall, have dates... everything that her classmates do. She thought that after been expeled from her school in L.A. this time she would have the chance to do common things and relax, she didn't count with the fact that Sunnydale (her new school) is the center of some "paranormal" activity wich includes vampires hanging around, witches, zombies, ghosts and other wierd creatures! So Buffy has to leave her dreams aside and continue with what she does best: being a slayer!

Now that Buffy is out of school she decides to attend college, and with Angel out of her life (he is now on his own series "Angel") she tired to focus on her new "love interest" Riley (played by Marc Bucas).