• Janet was born Janet Damita Jo Jackson on May 16, 1966 in Gary, Indiana.
  • She is the youngest of nine children.
  • Janet is only 5'4" feet tall and weighs 116 lbs.
  • Her most prized possession is faith.
  • Janet has two pets. They are two dogs named Buckwheat and Puffy.
  • Her favorite female and male artists are Ella Fitzgerald and Marvin Gaye.
  • Her favorite female actress is Glenn Close.
  • Her favorite male actor is Al Pacino.
  • Her favorite movies are: The Godfather Parts II & III, and Raging Bull.
  • Her favorite television show is Nick at Night.
  • Her favorite kinds of food are Mexican and Soul Food.
  • Her favorite kinds of stores are pet stores and book stores.
  • Her favorite pastimes are reading, fashion and style, and interior decorating.
  • Her pet peeves are rudeness and when people suck their teeth.

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