Now and Then- The Overdrives

Your not the only one who feels lost once in a while seems like i'll never get through this heap of doubts i call my life. Don't come to me for answers, i ran out of those sometime ago. It's always too soon to aaks why and always to late before i know.
(chorus) I've been this place before, confusing nothing new to me. I'll just keep my eyes peeled for a light i'll never see.
Maybe i think to much, guess I'm not to smart for them. These walls hear all my problems, to bad they never answer back. I can't relate to my friends, being different has it's flaws. It's hard to see who to turn to so i isolate them all.
No one can understand me, just like i can't make sence of them. I can't always hear their voices, i need a gesture now and.... then.