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Picture 27

In April 1967 men of the US 1st Cavalry Division {Airmobile} jump from a UH-1D Huey during Operation Oregon, a search and destroy mission. Note Corection: The picture (which is kind of famous) Number 27 of the 1st cav jump during operation oregon is incorrect. The second man coming out of the Huey is my dad and he can name every person there from Wilson to Lt. Hendricks. Please update this to add the facts that this was in 1968. This is the 1st of the 9th Cavalry, A-troop "Headhunters". They are using a B-troop Huey, but that was because A-B-C sometimes had to use each others hueys if theirs were down. My father is Russell "trashman" Curtis Thanks for your consideration to this, Michael Curtis ******************************************* Michael Curtis Network Security Officer GRCC Home Last pic Next