Abolish the presidency

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Copyright 1998, WorldNetDaily.com
September 11, 1998

Let's say Clinton resigns or is impeached. The tragedy is that
he'll be replaced. A better idea: leave the office empty. Call
off the 2000 election, and declare Clinton the last president.
The presidency has become a drain on our economy, our culture,
and our national life. We'd be better off without it.

At this point, the very institution is inseparable from words
like deception, waste, corruption, betrayal, and abuse of power.
If the presidency had to survive a market test, it would be
bankrupt. If it were a non-profit organization, it would be shut
down by the courts. If it were a religious institution, it would
be denounced as a haven for hucksters.

Let's disabuse ourselves of the myth that the next inhabitant
will be a clean-living, truth-telling, promise-keeping
statesman. He won't. The office itself, embodying more power
than any mere mortal should have, attracts and brings out the
worst in a person. When was the last time a president didn't

It's not the man; it's the office. Everywhere the president
goes, he's doted on like some third-world autocrat. He's told by
pundits that the national soul resides in his very person. He's
convinced that he is "leader of the free world," even while the
government he heads conspires every day to take away freedom. He
knows that "history" is kindest to presidents who start wars,
centralize the economy, and generally run roughshod over the
democratic process, so he aspires to be like them.

The presidency is the head of a vast bureaucratic empire with
trillions of dollars to pass out. And we are surprised when the
political appointees get entangled in conspiracy and graft?
That's what politics is about. That's what power is about.
That's what the presidency is about.

The office obeys no rule of law. The presidency allows a person
to order up bombings on foreign medicine factories on a whim.
Worse, it grants the power to issue executive orders that
contradict the Constitution, to bail out foreign governments it
likes and impose sanctions on those it doesn't. It's the office
that permits one man to H-bomb the world, if he's so inclined.

No one should have such power, especially not in a country
conceived in liberty. Yet the abuses began soon after the
Constitution was ratified. Even the first president sent out the
troops to kill tax resisters. So the office "grew" and conformed
to the power ambitions of the men who held it.

It took less than a century before a president saw himself as
occupying a holy office in the national church, an office whose
piety and purity was perfected in wartime. Thus began a long
line of tyrants-in-waiting.

We still see remnants of this thinking in places like North
Korea and Cuba, where the presidents declare themselves to be
"great leaders." Thank goodness the rest of the world has moved
on. We know that the state is a vast enterprise for declaring
all sorts of things legal for itself that would be illegal for
us, such as burning down religious communities, extorting and
bribing businesses, and skimming off a third of people's income
without their permission.

After the failures of a century and more of presidential
omnipotence, what's left for the office to do? Socialize heath
care? Forget it. Negotiate trade deals? Private business does
that already. Conduct a "summit" in Moscow? What a joke. Clinton
says he can't be distracted from "the nation's business," when
we are all much better off if he is. The nation's business is
freedom, not obedience to the Maximum Leader.

The other day, Madeline Albright said the presidency could
conduct the "war of the future" against "terrorists." Is she
serious? That's a line from "Wag the Dog," when a political
consultant explains to a CIA bureaucrat why the military must be
used to fool and distract the people.

If Clinton is forced to hit the road, let's just leave the
office vacant. After a year or two of freedom from the
presidency, we'll all realize we're better off without one.
Think about all the money that won't be sucked down the election
rathole. The candidates can stay in the private sector,
producing things for people instead of taking things from them.
There will be no more presidential "role models" to corrupt our

Let's apply the real lessons of the recent presidential
meltdown, and just call the whole thing off.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., is president of the Ludwig von Mises
Institute in Auburn, Alabama.

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