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What is the Internet?

Well, I'm hoping that if you're attempting to learn HTML, you know by now what the Internet is. But in case you don't, I'll briefly explain what it is right now. It is a large web of computers connected together by servers.

Think of the internet as the highways, roads, and streets, and such in our country and others. The phone/DSL/Cable line that is connected to the back of your computer is the ramp onto a highway. Think of your ISP (Internet Service Providers) as the highways. Some of the more popular ISPs are AOL, MSN, and @Home. Like the real highways, there are ramps that lead off it. They may go to other people's computers, servers, or web sites. Imagine servers being streets. Main Street would be Tripod would be the street. On every street, there are houses and stores. These houses and stores would be your web sites. Most of the well-known web sites ARE the streets and the sub-sections within those web sites are the houses and stores.