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Note: Clicking any of the below links will open up the site in a new window. But if you want to go to two different sites at once, you must open one of them with whatever method your browser uses to open a link in a new window.

Anime and Manga

Anime Web Turnpike - A wonderful and comprehensive listings of various sites that connect to anime and manga in one fashion or another, whether it is a fan site or a news site or a store.

Dragonball Z

Dragonball Z - The official Dragonball Z site in the United States.
Dragonball Kenkon - Though it's somewhat lacking in information, it more than makes up for it with lots of humor and fan works here!
Planet Namek - A wonderfully informative site. A great deal of information can be found here. If not, you can always visit the message board.
Temple O' Trunks - Unfortunately, it is not updated frequently anymore and rarely about Trunks, but check out her music videos. With each video, they are improving. Despite the infrequency of updates, look in the humor, most especially the Cartoons.

Flame of Recca

The Flame of Recca Archive - It's not the best site in the world but at least it has the basic information and some pictures.
The Fuuko/Aira Kirisawa Shrine! - A wonderful site on the tough Fuuko, the only good female who actually fights in the show.

Star Wars

Star Wars - The official Star Wars site. News, Character Bios, Classic Moments (a picture from the original trilogy production and a behind the scene explanation), and more.

Web-based E-mail

Hotmail - It has a decent e-mail system but the space it gives you is somewhat lacking. It's fine if you want to save a lot of text-only e-mails but not so much when you get HTML e-mails. There's also other little down-sides but I'm not going to list them all here.
Yahoo! Mail - It's much simpler looking and quite easy to navigate. You also get a larger mailbox, a 4MB instead of Hotmail's 2MB.


Open Diary - At the moment, the free service is no longer available but you can still open a subscription account or view other people's diaries, including my own. But I'll let you try to find it.
DB Next - It's Mirai Trunks' site that displays his fanwork. I suggest you go check it out if you like looking at Dragonball Z fanart. They're really good.