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     Neverneverland > Misc > Other Sites

Only one? No way.

This isn't the only site I have. I have various fansites and other sites. Unfortunately, most are not updated frequently due to lack of interest (and laziness).

    Dragonball Manga - It's no where close to being complete. I have a great deal of sections to create and too much content that is needed to be placed up to officially open. But like all others, I ended up discarding it. It still exists if you wish to look at it but extremely little content. At the moment, I do plan on returning to it but downsizing it greatly.

    The Essence of Dreams - A site created to display stories, poetry, and artwork of good quality. Unfortunately, it is low on content because I do not know how to advertise it.

    Hope!! - Mirai no Hope - It's a site dedicated to my favorite character, Trunks. There are various verisons of it all over the web because I kept moving and was too lazy to delete the old accounts. On Angelfire ~ On Freeservers

    Jedi Temple Library - I gave an attempt at creating a Star Wars site. I have quit updating it after realizing how much work it take to make it into the vision I had. It's a good start so maybe I might return to it.

    Messy Desk of Lady Torankusu - A dumping ground for some of my writings and artwork. So you may find some you haven't seen here.

    The Many Klentas - Simple and small site showing the various characters I play currently, or had planned to. I will be attempting to put up information on an old Star Wars character.