Beth's Notes and Stuff

Beth's Notes and Stuff

August 15, 1997 1:57 P.M.

I haven't written in a while, so here's a bunch of new stuff. First of all, you should go to the "Praise" section to see my award. My page won a "World Class" award. Also, I'm working on an episode guide and character bios, so this page won't be updated until August 28th. Then you can see the character bios, and complete episode guide. Finally, I found out that school starts on Sep. 3, so on Sep. 1 I'm going to edit everything, and on Sep. 2 I'm going to start advertising, and after that, my page won't be updated every weekday. It'll probably be updated every two weeks. So enjoy this while you can. August 11, 1997 4:16 P.M.

In case you didn't see, there's a banner on the main page for Christy's FIST page. I got the banner by visiting it. Apparently, FOX is trying to shut down a bunch of Simpsons, King of the Hill, X Files, and Millenium web pages. I urge you to visit Christy's page and help put a stop to this. August 10, 1997 7:33 P.M.

So much for my resolution to update this page every day until school starts. Netscape crashed. But, during that time, I got a tape of all the episodes from a friend of mine who's a bit too obsessed with King of the Hill. So, the episode guide will be up by August 14th at the lastest. Also, scripts for the first season just might be up by October if I have enough time on my hands. And I've started the laborious project of updating my links page, which I hate doing.

August 7, 1997 1:04 P.M.

Today I was looking at other "King of the Hill" sites, since I'm going to update my links, and I came to Yeah man, Itellyawhat, which is run by Noel. He put a link to my page on his links page. He also said something which you can find in my new "praise" section. What he said inspired my new slogan for this page: "Beth's King of the Hill Page--The first KOTH site run by a female." I'm ecstatic! Keep the praise coming!

August 6, 1997 9:10 A.M.

It's 9:10 A.M. on a summer day. And I'm awake. Not a good sign. Oh, well. Today is when I'm going to make a lot of new sections for my page. I'm also trying to get a "Dreambook" and a voting booth.

If you know the HTML code for WAV files, PLEASE mail me. I'll send you a personal thank you E-Mail as soon as I get my E-Mail account back. God, you send a couple random chain letters, and then you get your account suspended. How retarded is that?

Sections That Will Probably Be Here By September 1:

Beth's Notes
Beth's Dreambook
Beth's Update Page
King of the Hill QINBA
King of the Hill Fan Fiction
Character Makeovers

Sections That Will Probably Be Here After the New Season Starts

Episode Guide
Scripts (Maybe)

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