Praise for my page!

Praise for my page!

Well, I got my first few words of praise! I'm so flattered! Here they are:
"Beth's King of the Hill Page. A KOTH site run by a female! You go girl!"
Those words of praise are from Noel at Yeah man, Itellyawhat.
Thanks, Noel!

Now I got my second few words of praise! Here they are, straight from A Brotherhood of the Fans of King of the Hill:
"Beth's King of The Hill Page. Easy to navigate topped with essential information!!"
If only I knew who ran that site, I would thank him. Thanks anyway, whoever wrote that! And I do try to concentrate on my page being easy to navigate.

My page won an award! I haven't even had it for a month yet, and already it got an award! I feel so honored! Here it is, my award:

That was my award, thanks to Canuck of World Class Sites. Thanks, Canuck!
This is the E-Mail I got, informing me of my award:
Your page has won an award!

I travel the net looking for "World Class" sites, and you've been chosen! I look for sites that are fresh and interesting, made by HTML artists with their own ideas, not copied.

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