

I finally got sounds for this page, thanks to Wookie. Even background music. So, here they are, the famous quotes from the characters themselves:

Hank's Quotes
What kind of country is this that I can only hate a man if he's white?
Just kill me now.
Please place the garage door to its factory preset position.
Pee now, 'cause once we're on the road, we ain't stopping.
Whoa, never made that sound before.
What in the hell?
LuAnne, put on some pants!

Peggy's Quotes
Chinese language has 72 words for rice and no word for friend.
LuAnne, where've you been, we're supposed to be crying together.

Bobby's Quotes
Bobby invites Cotton to his party
I'm a little worried about being a slut.
Bobby imitating Hank
Bobby trying to get Hank to look at LuAnne

LuAnne's Quotes
At the beauty academy, they teach us that people aren't black or white or yellow or red, but their hair can be.
Why do boys with braces always want to French kiss?

Bill's Quotes
Bill talks about the past

Boomhauer's Quotes
Boomhauer on auto repair
Boomhauer on Seinfeld
Boomhauer on animal control
Boomhauer on gravity
Boomhauer on human sexuality
Boomhauer on alcohol
Boomhauer on practical jokes
Boomhauer on smoking
Boomhauer on smoking #2
Boomhauer on Hank
Dale's Quotes
Dale suggests bacon grease to Hank
Notice how he lifts with his legs.
Dale's first death threat
Dale's second death threat
It was not done by me, it was done through me.
It's a scientific fact that women like men with round, muscular butts.
Bob Dole is faking that dead arm.
Dale's hero
One of Dale's conspiracy theories

Kahn's Quotes
You crazy redneck!
You honor me by giving me gas.
I am Kahn Souphanousinphone.
Why go when I can just watch Hee-Haw, same thing.

Minh's Quotes
Add nutmeg!
You rednecks will eat anything.
I little girl in mama shoes!
Kahn Souphanousinphone! You promised not to piss off neighbors!

Cotton's Quotes
Hank, did you fix my car yet?
I don't need a bed, I can sleep in a drawer.
You house full of hookers...
You mom's gonna teach sex ed.
Your wife divorced you.
Your dad lost his job.
Nobody likes you.

Thanks to All King of the Hill, Dummyhead's King of the Hill Page, Hank Hill is...King of the Hill, and Yeah Man, Itellyawhat for the sounds.
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