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Sigmund Freud

"When a member of my family complains that he or she has been bitten his or her tongue, bruised his or her finger, and so on, instead of the expected sympathy, I put the question
'Why did you do that?'"

Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. His work with the mind revolutionized thinking and still impacts our lives today. He coined the phrase and mapped out the process of all psychoanalytical process we use today.

For more info on Freud and his work, check out these outside sites

Biography of Freud
Sigmund Freud and the Freudian Archives

Freudian psychoanalytical critics process

         Step 1) Give central importance, in literary interpretation, to the distinctions between the conscious and unconscious mind. Finding what the work is "really" about.          Step 2) Pay attention to unconscious motives and feelings, whether these are those of the author, or those of the characters, depicted in the work.          Step 3) Demonstrate the presence of classis psychoanalytical symptoms, such as the sexual developement in infants.          Step 4) Make large-scale applications of psychoanalytic concepts to literary history in general.          Step 5) Identify a "psychic" context for the literary work, at the expence of social or historical context, priveleging the individual "psycho-drama" above the "social-drama" of class conflict

Other Freudian Sites

Are you Sigmund Freud?- A pop quiz
Freud, Jung, and Psychoanalysis
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