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right click and 'Save As' to download all of these songs. Other wise they'll play off of your browser or whatever you have it set to...

and keep in mind all of these songs were recorded in a dorm room on j.s computer with one Radio Shack mic. ignore the quality, concentrate on meaning, please...
. song . . notes . . meaning.
Fruit Of Knowledge This song was inspired by the book of Genisis. Its a pretty hard beat with a cool solo in it. Its got a heavy riff and even a sample out of 'The Matrix' Get it to see our first download from the Damn Dorm Demo. Technology in and of itself serves only an evil purpose in the end
More songs to come soon!

games ! you need macromedia to play.
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FLASHTEROIDS! - - - - - - - MaStER MInD!

Hey, how bout you go and buy some of our merchandice! Click here and max out your credit card! If you don't, we'll be forced to erase your hard drive, and steal your credit card information anyway. We have the means... Don't think we won't.

W h a t d o y o u f e a r ? A list of most fears and phobias...

Click here to view a list of songs with their meanings attached. Like you really care.