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Description/Further Information

Here is a more detailed description of how Mossflower Adventures works. Please read through it before joining.

What happens when I sign up to join Mossflower Adventures?

In a few days after submitting the form, you will receive an email from me, containing information about the club. Part of this will be which character I would like you to use. Soon after this, I will add your name to the mailing list. From then on, all of the stories that the club members post will be sent to you.

How do I take part in the story?

To post to the club, you send your post to, and it will be sent to everyone in the club.

What do you write about in the Mossflower Adventures Club?

In Mossflower Adventures, members write about Adventures that take place in Mossflower or any other place from a Redwall book. There are very few restrictions. It can be as long or as short as you like, with as little or as many creatures involved in it as you like. However, you can't do something to someone else's character that they wouldn't like. You can't kill someone else's character or do something with drastic to them without permission. For example, if somebeast is enslaved, they may want to stay that way or they may want someone else to free them, so you can't just go free them without asking. You also can't create any more creatures without asking, but if you ask me and I say it's okay, you can pretty much have as many characters as you'd like!

An Example Mossflower Adventures post:


Julie and Matt woke up at dawn and had a breakfast of damson cordial, apple pancakes, and fruit salad before starting on their way again.

"So Matt," Julie said, "Would you tell me one more time about that place we're going? What's it called, that abbey - oh, it's Redwall Abbey! Can you tell me about it again?"

"Geez, Julie, I think I must have told you about it ten times already!" Matt said. "Well, I guess one more time can't hurt. Redwall Abbey is a great place. They have all different kinds of creatures there, except for vermin, of course, and the food! Oh, the food is to die for! It's the best you've ever tasted -" Matt stopped talking as stood still. Julie looked at him quizitively, and he motioned for her to come over to him. When she did, he whispered, "Julie, I think there's a creature in the bushes. Don't move, I'll sneak up on it." He crept slowly up to the bush, and when he was close enough, Matt jumped onto the strange creature. They rolled around, until they finally came to a stop and Julie saw who it was that was following them.


TBC by Julie, Matt, or anybeast who wants to journey to Redwall with us



If you're at all confused by that example, don't worry, I'll explain. You see, members send mail to the whole list of club members, including me. The list would actually be longer than the one I made up, but it would be a waste of time for me to go into detail with all of those corny addresses. Then you just write your story, and if you want to, write who you would like to continue the story at the end. TBC stands for To Be Continued. You can also write your character's name at the bottom. It's very simple.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me at

