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Welcome to A Marvin the Martian Homepage!

Marvin the Martian is known for his incredible tenacity and extraterrestrial intelligence. He prides himself on being superior to any earthling, even though his attitude always seems to get the better of him. Of course, Marvin's adorable looks also help make him the coolest Looney Tunes character in the universe.

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Marvin Facts:
    small Marvin head Born: July 24, 1948
    small Marvin head Home Planet: Mars
    small Marvin head Former Name: Commander X-2
    small Marvin head Creator: Chuck Jones
    small Marvin head Voice: was - Mel Blanc / now - Joe Alaskey (with the exception of Space Jam and Animaniacs)
    small Marvin head Faithful Side-kick: Commander K-9 (the space dog)
    small Marvin head Other Accomplices: Instant Martians and his niece Marcia
    small Marvin head Commanding Officer: General E.M.C. Squared
    small Marvin head Favorite Weapons: Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator and the ACME Disintegration Pistol
    small Marvin head Mode of Transportation: The Martian Maggot
    small Marvin head Mission in life: To blow up the Earth because it blocks his view of Venus.

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A Marvin the Martian Homepage is in no way affiliated with nor endorsed by Warner Bros. MARVIN THE MARTIAN, LOONEY TUNES, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. The material provided is intended solely for the personal use and enjoyment of the general public. ©

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This page was created by Laura on September 27, 1997.
It was last updated on December 13, 2006.