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Postcards from the Future Registration Form

Name: ______________________________________________________________

(as you want it to appear on your badge)

Institution: _______________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________________________

State/Province: ____________________________________________________

ZIP/Postal code: ___________________________________________________

Country: ___________________________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________________________

Fax: _______________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________

The keynote luncheon includes seasoned chicken breast and chocolate
eclair for dessert. Regular coffee, decaf, lemonade and water will
be available. If you have any dietary restrictions (vegetarian,
kosher, etc.), please indicate here:



Special accessibility or equipment (projectors, power point, etc.)



Please circle appropriate registration fee. All prices are in US currency:
    Prior to March 15th After March 15th
  Student (presenter)
with valid ID
$25 $35
  Student (attendee)
with valid ID
$25 $35
  Presenter (non-student) $60 $75
  Attendee (non-student) $40 $50

Type of payment:

[  ] Check (payable to Edinboro University Honors Program)
[  ] Money Order
[  ] VISA
[  ] MasterCard
[  ] Discover
[  ] American Express

Total amount: $ _______________________

Card number: ________________________________ Exp. date: _________________

Print name as it appears on card:


Signature: _______________________________________________________________

Billing address if different from above
(for authorization purposes)