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Well I guess this is where I tell you all kinds of stuff about me. I was born on July 2nd. My parents divorced when I was about 1 ½yrs old. I live in NE Philly. I graduated from Delaware Valley College with a BS in Biology. I had no success with roommates at college.. I have come to the conclusion I just can not live with females. After several months of passing my resume around for a research job, I took a part time job at a local bank. It's been about 3 years now and I discovered I don't want to be in the Biology field. Not sure if banking will be my career but I love the job. I am now the Assistant Branch Manager.

I love animals esp cats...they don't hassel you as much as dogs and are individuals like Me. Cats know when to leave you alone and don't drool all over you (at least the cats I have had). I've had 4 cats that have passed away-Mittens, Baby, Gus Gus, & Shane. Now I have five wonderful cats and one kitten. I told you I love cats. We are also suckers for stray cats. Lets see there is Connor & Princess which are brother and sister. Lucky I found in March of 2000 outside my house. Buddy belonged to a good neighbor of ours that passed away. Then came Molly who I found outside of work who was pregnant at the time. She has a 4 month old kitten. Of course we are suckers for cats without a home. We took in yet another cat in 2002. My cousin lost his apartment and needed a home for Cello.

I enjoy hearing different Cover bands in the Philadelphia area. The music gives me a natural high and helps me forget my worries.

I have been on this concert quest for 4 years now. I have always loved the music group Poison. During my teen years is when they were at their peak. Unfortunately my mother kept me from seeing them in concert. Back in 1999 Poison started touring again. I have seen them 4 years in a row all at different concert halls. The best had to have been 2001 at Kahunaville in Delaware. My friend Renee & I drove 40mins just to see them. The place was outside on the deck and very small. What made it the best concert was that fact it was standing room only which meant we could walk right up to the stage. At the end of the show all the fans were invited up stage for the last song.

I barely work on this site now. I am more involved on my cat site and the spirit pages for the competition I joined. About 3 years ago this site was completely different containing personal tidbits, cat tidbits, graphics & 80's stuff. I have now separate all of them on their own sites. Due to lack of time, I currently only develop my cat site. I hope one day I will get back into displaying my own graphics on yet another site.

Feel free to email me if you would like to talk.

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