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May 4, 2002

-Finally have furniture in the living room. Mom's big accomplishment. -Had a 90 birthday party for my nana in April. She surprised us at her own surprise party by dancing on her way into the hall. We all had a blast. -Several changes at work. The people I work with seem to have way too many personal probs. Guess that comes with the manager position...dealing with BS. -Got the tickets for the Poison concert in July. 4th year in a row.

March 3, 2002

-I have 7 cats now. Cello was the latest addition. He belonged to my cousin who moved back home.
-I went from teller, head teller to Assistant Branch Manager in a year.
-Finally got my permit.
-Still single & not looking. Just too much trouble for me. I want to live first before being tied down. But having fun in the mean time.
-Have yet another processor. This time it wasn't my fault that it broke! LoL
-I rarely work on this site & gave up on the band page for now. I'm working on my cat site which I entered into a contest. It really sparks my imagination with web design.
-Looking forward to another summer of concerts.

June 14, 2001

Well I didn't get to see Poison in Hershey but I did make a last minute decision to go to their show in Delaware. Let me tell you it was the BEST concert I have been to. I was about 4 feet from the band. I never thought I would ever get that clost to Bret Michaels. He has the most beautiful blue eyes in the world. It was unbelievably hazy, hot and humid. I think I sweat off 5lbs. Missing the Hershey show was the best thing that ever happened to me. Standing Room only concerts are the best cause you can move right up front:) Ahhhh the best summer trip thus far.

May 28, 2001

With all endings there are new beginnings. I have lost a few friendships but gain ten fold. I have met alot of new friends from hanging out with the band Flavor, work, clubs & the internet. I am so happy cause I will be seeing Poison for the 3rd year in a row with my new friends. I think my one friend, will call him Jay, is a bigger Poison fan than me. I never thought that was possible. I am sure this will be the best show yet since I will be sharing it with a fellow Poison fan.

I will also be going to the Bon Jovi show with the girls. I just hope it doesn't pour since we have lawn seats. Then in August, my best friend and I will be going to the MatchBox 20 concert. My goal for the summer is to have fun and see as many concerts as possible.

February 19, 2001

Out with the old and in with the new again. So the mother board on my old pc that was built, how do I put this nicely, Half assed. But that is a good thing cause with the help of a cool friend, STEVE, I got a new motherboard with the works, 128MB's of RAM, & a fancy cute little case. WooHoo. Now I just need to reformat the hard drive to clean up the mess that two people created. Hehehe. December 30, 2000

I added two new pics of me taken at work. Change my mind about black backgrounds. Most pages have double backs that I made on PSP. Almost done making the new banners.

December 9, 2000

I guess this is where I tell you about the changes to my site right? Well since I bought PSP and with all the copyright stuff going on I decided to revamp my whole site. I am making my own graphics. First thing is 99% of this site will have black backgrounds. I just find it easier on the eyes. I will be deleting tons of pages that are just useless. Some pages have been moved to their own site. I have 7 websites now. Yes I am addicted. I hope you like the new layout and find it easier to navigate and faster to load. I think I went a bit over board when I used the Ulead images. LOL
