Think About This: Why do senoir citizens smell funny? Ever notice how as soon as some one reaches age 55 it starts to set in and by the time they're 60 there's no hope for a normal smell to return. Old Ladies smell like some kind of wierd perfume, and old men have a weird smell too, but i don't know how to explain what it smells like, except for it's also weird.
While still on the subject of old people why is old ladies hair always so curly? Think about it its never straight and normal it's always grey and curly, weird and wild stuff them old people are.
Why does it not snow all winter and them all of a sudden one week till spring we get about 9 inches in one day? What's up with that shit?
Why are there so many ski poles under the path of the chair lift? Are skiers really that retarded that in a length of about 60 yards you see at least 10 poles? Does the mountain get to keep them or do they have a big ski pole lost and found? Are half of them theirs to begin with, if not how much do you think they get for em on the ski pole black market?