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Ashley's Review : From Charlottesville, VA on 2/17/99

My friend and I got there and planted ourselves first row. We were also big fans of The Marvelous 3, and they put on a very very good opening act. They will be really big, watch them!! Anyway, Eve 6 had a really cool background with swirling lights and flies everywhere. Their lights were done kinda different, but it added to the total effect. They opened with "Open Road Song", which got everyone moving!! Then they played "Showerhead", with a nice intro about oral sex by Max! That song was one of my favorites anyway, but they brought the house down with it!! After that, the set went like this: "Tongue Tied", "Jesus nitelite"(Max had a cold and he didn't want to tire his voice he said), a NEW really good song called "Promise", rocked out on "Leech", and then the band stopped. We weren't sure what they were doing, but then we realized they were doing an acoustic set. It was really cool to see that! They played "There's A Face" and a GREAT cover of "I Touch Myself". Then they went back into full rock mode with "How Much Longer", that was definitely one of the highlights! "Saturday Night" was next, followed by "Small Town Trap". Then they busted out with "Inside Out". Halfway through, Max asked for two volunteers to come up and sing. I screamed as loud as I could, but my friend was called up instead. She sang her guts out to the last verse along with Max and some other guy. For their encore they played a NICE cover of "Leavin On A Jet Plane", and finished up with my favorite song, "SuperHero Girl". They kicked ass!! After the show we went out in the pouring rain to the bus, and waited. Max came down first, and there was about 10 other people there besides us. He took time out to sign some autographs then went in. Everyone else left, but we weren't done! We hung around some more and then Jon and Tony came down. They were the biggest sweethearts, and seemed genuinely happy to sign the autographs and chat with us. I got them to sign my setlist, although it sucked, cuz it fell into this big puddle of water! But thankfully it was salvaged! Somehow, I don't know how, but Jon managed to hit me in the face! He apologized and all, but wow it's a little swollen now! The concert was one of the best I've been to, and I would say that anyone who passes up an opportunity to see them is CRAZY!!!

Copyright 2003 Eve6 : Small Town Trap